How to aviod touching electricity in winter?
2005-12-08 10:41:22 UTC
How to aviod touching electricity in winter? Now, it is winter and cold, I am usually be touched by electricity. It bothers me. Even though I wear glove that still does not work. I wonder how can I avoid this situation.Thank you.
One answer:
2005-12-08 11:31:38 UTC
A brief explanation of what's going on - in the dry weather, you're building up static electricity on your body as you walk around. When you touch a metal object (like a doorknob) that has very little electric charge, the charge is transferred to the other object.

So, the short answer is that to prevent the annoying shocks, you need to avoid building up electricity, or keep discharging it to objects. Touching metal frequently will help. Also, you can avoid some of the annoying effects by touching things with something other than your fingertips first - for example, the back of your hand. Your fingertips are very sensitive, and it may not be as unpleasant to get small shocks on other parts of your body.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.