Christians, could you design a scientific experiment which could prove God's existence?
2014-12-06 04:52:47 UTC
And what would it look like.
106 answers:
2014-12-08 10:34:53 UTC
No experiment could be designed to examine the hypothesis: does a god exist? In fact, in science we'd test the null hypothesis: no gods exist. However, the null hypothesis can't be tested either. Thus, despite what many adherents of Christianity and other religions believe, the existence, or not, of any deity is not amenable to scientific experiment. Therefore, science has no interest is proving or disproving the existence of the Christian God or any other deity or supernatural being.

Science does NOT exist to disprove religion!
2014-12-07 13:48:26 UTC
Could you design a scientific experiment that disproves God's existence?
2014-12-06 16:49:30 UTC
There is no God so no need to design a scientific experiment to prove God's existence.....God is just a belief & nothing more than that.....Books like bible is created by man not god...& there're many books based on god & religion which is based on people's imagination not on the fact....We humans r not even sure about god's existence & we still believe in god....that's the main reason why humans have become evil now & kill each other & are also destroying our beautiful planet... Do u think ho ho santa claus is real & actually brings the present to every Christians home???? So where does he come from? Moon? or from far away planet or maybe from stars....& remember nearest star to our solar system is about 4 light years away & can ho ho travel in speed of light??? God is not there when u r in pain or hurt...but morons believe dat god is inside us.....Maybe when people die then they'll realize that god was not there when they needed him...& also realize dat all those prayers & sacrifice towards god was nothing but a big joke & people were fooled...
2014-12-06 15:11:27 UTC
No, i could not design a scientific experiment to save my soul. With some assistance from others who were sincerely willing to invest the time and resources, it is entirely possible to devise a social experiment to test some of the more important and theoretical possibilities suggested by some of the more intelligent and rationally minded spiritual leaders. Are you serious, or is this just a test to see if there is someone who has a basic awareness of valid Christian oriented principals, and also happens to have a somewhat similar belief perspective as yours? If so, i could use the work. If not, what is your purpose in asking a question cleverly designed to ensure failure?

addendum, there are thousands of potential manifestations
2014-12-07 01:07:12 UTC
There is a current scientific experiment running...and it has been for several thousand years.... Its the existence of the Jews ... please explain the Jews and their history in the absence of the one God. Even God says that they are HIS WITNESS... given that the Jews are the most persecuted people on the planet , not just in todays age but since their disobedience and expulsion from their land and home , and that they survived through the millenia unlike any other people and recently regained their land just as the bible (Gods word) said they would prior to Christs return , also that the then dominating empires in the world at the times - Thr Roman Empire , THe Egyptian Empire , the Babylonian Empire etc have come and gone
2014-12-08 10:21:09 UTC
Wrong question. Nobody can design a experiment to prove God´s existence NEITHER to disprove it!

Actually that is the reason God´s existence is not a science subject. Since, in the whole history of humankind it has never been a scientific observation (observation which everyone can check it out) of a God or any other sobrenatural creature, it is likely there is no God, BUT that is not a proof. Actually, who says that there is no God, actually he/she just BELIEVES there is not God, nobody KNOWS whether there is a God or not.
2014-12-07 11:08:46 UTC
It'd look like a man in a big over coat, in a dark room with the lights out & curtains drawn. No one else is allowed to observe or record the experiment as that'll affect the out come.

The man will be flipping a coin, heads means yes & tails means no.

Any one single heads result will irrefutably prove the existence of god, any tails result will be re flipped & not logged in the experiments log book.
2014-12-07 10:55:13 UTC
Spinoza's view of God is demonstrated in a logical proof that has been accepted by Einstein, Marx, Engels, and scores of other scientific thinkers. Bukharin, in his book on Historical Materialism, affirms Spinoza's concept of God. Matter thinks because God as infinite Substance thinks. All quantums are information carrying bodies with moving capacities of determinant changing internal reflections having self DeBroglie pilot wave theory holds in it's non-linear transformations. Therefore, I would answer "yes" that we can prove God's existence and essence through science, just that the conclusions might not make religious people happy because it would be based on logic and not religious dogma.
2014-12-10 01:09:07 UTC
I haven't read most of the answers but you are missing the point. God's existence cannot be proved. That is why religions are called "faiths". You either believe or you don't. However, scientifically, absence of proof does not equate to proof of absence. This means that just because you can't prove it exists, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It only means that the proof doesn't exist (yet), In a time where you can't even logically prove that another entity (other than you) exists, you would find it hard pressed to prove that God exists. Believe or don't believe, the choice is yours.

Religion serves a different purpose to science to society and that is another discussion.
2014-12-06 05:20:07 UTC
There is no need to design a scientific experiment to prove God's existence. God Himself has already worked out His plan and all accomplished and established outcomes.

Humans are so arrogant. They always think they know more than God and are ALWAYS wrong. God knows everything about everything and is perfect in every respect; in His wisdom, knowledge and power. Without God, we are useless and have no beneficial purpose.
2014-12-07 10:19:17 UTC
No, there is no scientific experiment to prove a direct correlation and the same can be said about those who say there is no god. Can't help you with this, it can't be duplicated in a lab at MIT, sorry.
2014-12-07 11:51:36 UTC
No. And even with all the evidence towards a God. EVEN if he came down next to you. There would be people who reject him. He wants us to come to him in faith. Not proof. If everyone knew his existence, and never sinned, it wouldn't be free will. We wouldn't be following him through faith. Not many Christians nor Atheist can understand that. Besides. Can you conduct an experiment definitively proving evolution? No. I would still be a Christian. EVEN If we are wrong, we die happy. NOTHING takes that away from us. But when you die, and if YOU'RE wrong, there are consequences. Your may now make excuses
2014-12-06 09:25:30 UTC
No, and you can't create one to disprove God's existence either. Stalemate!

God has given us three proofs of His existence that unbelievers won't accept: 1) Creation 2) The Bible 3) His Son, Jesus Christ
2014-12-07 09:43:30 UTC
Atheists .......... could you design a scientific experiment which could prove that God does NOT exost

There is far more evidence in favor of a creator then in life just coming out of some sludge
2014-12-07 19:34:33 UTC
What the...

It's like saying "Atheists, could you design a spiritual practice which can prove that scientific theories are legitimate?"
2014-12-07 23:23:39 UTC
Interesting question. Well here's the thing, God can't be proven. The basis of religion is that you believe in what you can't see. A "Leap of Faith" as one deist puts it. Faith cannot prove anything on the basis of knowledge because faith is not knowledge.
2014-12-18 01:06:48 UTC
Could you design a scientific experiment that disproves God's existence?
2014-12-10 06:49:35 UTC
no we can just think like that.
2014-12-09 17:58:46 UTC
There's no real way to PROVE He exists, but we can prove that he doesn't not exist. Watch "God's Not Dead", it's a great movie. Christians have faith and believe in God, they don't need to prove it.
Charlie Adams
2014-12-09 06:57:47 UTC
I'll just build you a rocket and fly on up to my friend Jesus' place. Saint Peter will be all like, "Sweet ride, dude!"
2014-12-08 21:22:53 UTC
No,Can you?
2014-12-08 20:20:03 UTC
Scientists, could you design a scientific experiment which could disprove God's existence?
2014-12-08 18:22:10 UTC
It is physically impossible to design an experiment to prove God's existence because prayers or anything like that can be measured by any means we have available now.
2014-12-08 15:55:33 UTC
We would build a vast computer system with all of the latest technologies, make it as fast and as capable as possible, put many designs and many beautiful attachments that would sum up ourselves as it's designer.

Then we would show all the Atheists and give them a great challenge.

Now prove that this computer/robot was created.

To which, they'd get busy at work until one day they were able to show us the definitive proof of it's design and creation via the intricacy of it's artistry and organization.

Then we'd tell them, good, now tell us why then, that if this computer/robot must have been created, that all of existence that is so much more that it is at a level of near unfathomable intricacy, organization, and artistry wasn't created.

To which they'd respond, because of the Big Bang, evolution, and many other things that even in themselves is an intricacy so organized and amazing that they themselves are indicative of a designer, and then you'd finally have your answer to your question.

They don't believe because they don't want to believe.
2014-12-08 14:56:27 UTC
dont need one to know for fact Jesus Christ lives to think proof is just seeing me /.
2014-12-08 13:25:42 UTC
Since God is not a physical object it's existence can only be proved by a process of logical reasoning based on observation. Because the Universe exists and follows mathematical laws and since the Universe cannot bring these laws and principles into existence by itself then there must be a intelligence that originated these mathematical and also that preexisted and originated the Universe!
A conscience
2014-12-07 21:30:22 UTC
Nope, because no experiments can't prove anything. By their nature, experiments can only disprove things.

You first assume A then B. If not B, you assume not A. If B, you say "okay, A could be true", you don't automatically assume A.
2014-12-07 20:59:10 UTC
2014-12-07 20:09:51 UTC
Science experiment: Believe and have faith, believe that Jesus died for you.

When you die tell me if its hot, cold, or paradise.

We can make a conclusion once you do that.
2014-12-07 19:47:47 UTC
I should not have to prove his existence. He is real. It is your choice if you want to believe that. I wont shove my religion down other peoples throat. I will respect any religion if they respect mine. Enough said.
2014-12-16 19:03:02 UTC
Your a little late, but to prove GOD exits has already been and is still being done by Billions. When you help others the real GOD rewards you. What or who else can do this for everyone all the same time each minute. Mike
2014-12-13 07:05:20 UTC
There are several ways to prove the existence of God.

History: Not only the Bible but many other religions give dates and places of the acts of God throughout History, these dates and places correspond even though they are of different religions.

Science: Studies of the brain during intense prayer proves that conversations between that person and God were not one sided but a two way conversation between that person and an unknown being. Studies have also been proven that prayer for people in hospitals with similar ailments, had a greater rate of recovery. These are controlled studies, within the same hospital, using the same doctors, nurses, equipment, etc. A recent study has even shown verses from the Bible encrypted within our own DNA.

Experience: Many have claimed to have experiences with God, Angels or Heaven, with or without a near death experience. All these experiences have similarities that cannot be explained.

Numbers: There are many things that people believe in, however every race, nationality and even indigenous tribes, without outside influence, believe in a "higher power". If an unbeliever can create that amount of belief from any one idea (proven or not) I would be impressed. People will and have died before they denounce God, that alone is proof.

Comparison: Love, Hope, Fear, etc. these can not be visibly seen but are very real and are felt by people on a daily basis. God too, can be felt on a daily basis and I guess the knowledge of believing in God is like having a child, you can not understand the connection until you have it.

I hope that my Scientific approach to God helps.

Grace be with you,

2014-12-12 05:26:00 UTC
Yes, it's F + A + I + T + H which equals Faith. :) Hope i helped.
Philip B
2014-12-11 02:17:53 UTC
I'm not a Christian by any means but I think its fairly obvious from common experience that everyone has their own interpretation of what the meaning or concept of 'God' is. Different religions around the world also have their own 'Gods'. The ancient Greeks for example had a God of the Sea, God of the Sky, God of the Earth etc etc.

The reason was simply that our ancestors observed and experienced the same things in nature that we do today but unlike us they didn't have the knowledge to be able to understand them. Today we have come a heck of a long way but there is still a great deal more to learn until we achieve the ultimate, single 'Theory of Everything' or Grand Unified Theory as scientists call it.
2014-12-10 19:28:44 UTC
It needs no experimentation. God exists, and He is plainly recognized by everyone. Those who say "I don't believe in God", are in denial or are untruthful.
2014-12-09 14:18:05 UTC
You couldn't conduct an experiment per-say, but you could come up with an argument for creationism.
2014-12-09 13:18:25 UTC
Yes.( I am cheating a little because I am not Christian but I do believe in God.) It is simple yet effective. The main problem is that it is a subjective experiment and only provable to the experimenter. And yet, most scientists will deride the possibility that it could work and will give me thumbs down and not even attempt to verify the truth. So to those of you out there who fit this description, shame on you for calling yourself a scientist! And for those of you who want to REALLY know the truth must follow the simple step of praying every day for a year. Maybe it won't take a year, maybe it will but the key is to be sincere and pray outloud in private, directing the prayer towards "The Creator of everything" or however you wish to name God. Ask for a sign of God's existence. God will not give you a sign that proves "his" existence to everyone but only to you. That will be your proof. So, are you a real scientist willing to test a hypothesis?
2014-12-09 13:13:22 UTC
The problem here you see is that people equate science and religion when they are different things. You can't argue or prove Faith.
2014-12-08 23:22:16 UTC
Yes I can Come up with one. Take ten honest scientist and have them to earnestly seek the truth of

our Lords existence If honest and all evidence examined. They will find the truth.
2014-12-08 22:19:18 UTC
no its all faith
2014-12-08 13:45:23 UTC
This is gonna sound really, really weird, but when I try and picture what God 'looks like' I always think of Genie from Aladdin...
2014-12-08 06:05:17 UTC
It is written , Thou shalt not tempt the Lord Thy GOD.

Jesus said, as for this non believing generation, no sign will be given unto it except the sign of Jonah.

What do you suppose he meant?

Evidence exists already , everywhere you look.

If you have to ask, you may not like His answer.

If you read His promises, He has already told you.

He sent Jesus to be born of woman. Look what was done to Him by the kenites. They assumed the places of the Levitical Priesthood 400 years before.

If I were you, I would just say thank you, and pray for Him to humble your mind and spirit.

That is what I have to do when I forget.

When the cares of this world overrun my memory.
2014-12-08 04:20:07 UTC
Of course not.
2014-12-08 03:25:06 UTC
Not really. The only thing us Christians cab do is Believe that God exists, and read and teach his teachings.
2014-12-08 00:27:44 UTC
I have thought about this question many a time in my life. We may have encountered moments in our lives where we are able to do nothing but stand helpless. Humans and human efforts have limitations. I have felt that the concept of god has arisen from the feeling of insecurity of humans. The human desires and dreams have enriched the concept of God.

Man, let us imagine a world devoid of the concept of god.

People have nothing to fear about with a silent conscience. The ideology of wrong doing and right doing will remain undefined. Do you really think that laws are enough to maintain social harmony? The limitations of laws are very well clear for us.

It is the inner voice that pulls us away from doing destructive things to fellow beings . This inner voice comes from an Energy-an Energy of all energies. An energy that caused the creation of everything from nothing. We call this energy as God. Religions helps us in conceptualisation of this energy. In Christianity the Energy is conceptualised as Father. You have the freedom to conceptualise this energy. Personally, i feels that currently there are no religion on earth that proclaims the real or true mighty of this energy.

I believe, in future our science may develop enough to provide a partial proof for the existence of this all mighty energy, atleast theoretically. But our brain power may never grow enough to study this energy completely. Because it is beyond science.

Belief is a choice. To believe or not to believe is up to you. But God really exists. It is a truth. And the greatest evidence is the greatest and the most mysterious question- FROM WHERE DID ALL THIS BEGIN???
2014-12-07 17:33:46 UTC
Well I believe in unicorns in the sky okay?
2014-12-07 16:54:56 UTC
Yes just as soon as you turn a man into an ape
Q The First Timelord
2014-12-07 16:27:09 UTC
Easy. Prove ANYTHING exists outside of your own perceptions.

You can't.

Now knowing that you can't prove anything exists outside of you.

Do you want to be alone in this existence?
2014-12-07 15:06:04 UTC
it should look like an athiest's scientific experiment to prove that atheists exist. there is good reason to believe that athiests do believe in God, deep down, often hidden and denied by athiests, but underlying all athiest theology is this belief in God that they try to reject and disprove, the obsession with proving God does not exist is rooted in the Athiest's own deep down belief in God. Hence, the scientific experiment you seek as proof is an analysis of the existence of purported Athiest's, who do in fact believe in God, but pretend they do not.
2014-12-07 15:01:38 UTC
God is my car. I can prove it exists because I have the title for it right here. So, God does exist after all. Oh, that isn't what you were talking about? God? A word and this word can be found in the dictionary so to say that God does not exist even if just in word is incorrect because He does exist. Even if it is only a word.
2014-12-17 23:15:26 UTC
2014-12-11 23:12:24 UTC
2014-12-11 21:06:48 UTC
2014-12-11 12:25:51 UTC
I am ok with your idea, when you make a claim, you provide the proof. It is that simple.
2014-12-10 11:12:05 UTC
Yes, death. We will all make this experiment and so we will all get the answer. Stop acting like we won't.
2014-12-09 07:16:19 UTC
Dr. Francis Collins Head of the human genome project ,former atheist, confirms all life is subject to encrypted dna which is impossible by natural means.Information technology is therefore essential and vastly superior to human intelligence don't you think? Christian or not no scientist has yet come up with a viable explanation for either natural laws or moral laws without reference to Supreme Authority. Accidental life from accidental universes from accidental laws is The great Lie of the 21st Century yet so many are taken by the Fraud as it provides a block to any accountability.Eat drink and be merry... for tomorrow we die!"
2014-12-09 02:20:49 UTC
what matters is do you believe in Allah? If you Dnt Then There is no point in arguing, because if u refuse to accept a Fact, others can't do anything, but laugh at your stupidness

IN Surah Kafirun Its written

Say you, O infidels!

I worship not that you worship.

And nor you worship what I worship.

And I shall not worship what you worshiped.

And nor you shall worships what I worship.

For you, your religion. and for me my religion.
2014-12-09 02:03:24 UTC
No,Can you?
2014-12-08 22:38:45 UTC
they can't because there is no god. they just bend and beg infront of stones or we can say air.they are mad
2014-12-08 22:22:29 UTC
Agree brains are no substitute for religion.

Its why Isis has two choices for an Infidel. .
2014-12-08 21:32:10 UTC
GOD is actually an Alien humanoid who did genetic experiments on earth and left on a starship. So God does exist but he did not create the universe as such. GOD is creator of earthlings but not everything.

Adam was the first genetical experiment and later on GOD went to make Eve. GOD sent Satan his assistant to test his genetical experiments to see if Adam obeyed orders of GOD . Well You guessed it, he chose the apple rather than listening to GOD. Adam passed the test, thats why GOD dumped his experiments on earth rather than keeping them in heaven. Well I think there is a scientific notion here in connection with bible.

This is just a notion don't take it too dayum seriously.
2014-12-08 14:55:02 UTC
God brought Jesus to earth to save people from their sins
2014-12-08 12:23:29 UTC
I'm getting sick of this science vs god thing or science being used as the vehicle to disprove god.

God would not be the god he say he is if we could just formulate and prove his existence. The Torah wasn't kidding with you when it said that god abandoned the earth, but scientists and intellectuals automatically reject this so all that ever becomes of these sort of discussions is the old "heehueheuehue sphagetti monster isn't that right father Richard dawkins xD?"

Funnily enough though, they continue to show callus arrogance and mocking people who love god. The fact that I can 'feel' their anger and 'ungreatfulnes' proves to me personally that god is REQUIRED for this earth to be functional.

Go watch your kids play Call of Duty online and notice the type of 'environment' that will be the 'normal' for our future. If someone could quote what I said after I've died, I'd be very grateful and spiritually love them for caring of my words and for god.
2014-12-08 11:39:06 UTC
Why would they have too, when you cannot explain the the first few seconds of the Big bang Theory and where everything came from?!!
2014-12-08 08:52:19 UTC
I could pray
2014-12-07 21:53:56 UTC
Proof is usually in the domain of mathematics, whereas science usually deals with experiment, observation and evidence. Evidence of God's existence may be provided; whether it is compelling enough to be considered proof is largely in the eye of the beholder. This seems to be the main source of contention between theists and a-theists. One side provides "evidence" that the other discounts (not unreasonably) as not meeting objective standards and therefore not compelling.

There are a couple of possible areas of inquiry or experiment that might contribute something. For example:

- Possible quantum nature of consciousness - could it be a soul? [1] [2]

- Simulation hypothesis - what does this do to burden of proof? [3] [4]

These open avenues explore our understanding of the universe, without closing minds to the various possibilities Even modern cosmology and the Big Bang has its origins with a Roman Catholic priest, so clearly religion and science do (not just could) co-exist.

If you are interesting in finding proof of God yourself, I recommend you first consider what evidence could ever be considered compelling personally. If you cannot even conceive such a possibility, then it is quite possible you are falling into belief rather than holding an objective viewpoint on the subject.
Daemon Andrew Tsui
2014-12-07 21:12:16 UTC
2014-12-07 18:44:11 UTC
can you prove someone/something that created everything you can see, feel, or prove? someone/something that's not following any of the laws of physics ? he is out of time! he dosn't need gravity to hold him to the ground?
2014-12-07 17:24:09 UTC
This is a very easy question that not many know the answer to, all of the people in the answers section certainly don't know. Georges Lemaitre was a Belgian Priest and a scientist who is the one who was originally credited for coming up with the Big Bang Theory, He used this to describe exactly what happened in Genesis. So everything that the Atheists believe in are really Theist Theories based off of Theories and evidence by Theist Scientists
2014-12-07 11:12:04 UTC
you don't need any "experiment" to prove HIS existence. Just answer this question: If there were no God, how else do you explain that one cell from your mother and one cell from your father created the person you are today ???
2014-12-06 05:55:21 UTC
The first person to produce a single tiny little piece of verifiable evidence for any god will become world famous and mega rich!

Academia states that in the absence of any sort of evidence of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable evidence is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.
2014-12-12 23:00:05 UTC
First, I would start off with a half stick of butter and put it in an Erlenmeyer flask with water at approximately 110°C. After the butter water is brought to a boil, add a smidgen of cinnamon and laugh while spinning the Erlenmeyer flask in a counterclockwise direction and flapping hands. Stand one one foot for three minutes and voila! God is proven.
Averell A
2014-12-06 04:59:44 UTC
God is beyond scientific experiment. God does not belong to our space-time dimension. If you want to do a scientific research, do something on Jesus, the God incarnate. There is enough material about him. Most of the books in the world are about (pro and anti) him.
2014-12-06 10:49:09 UTC
Proving to myself is important for me, proving to you isn't. I'll go ahead and you'll stay here but you need out, so in the end it's your problem. Find the right answer for yourself and soon because time is running.
2014-12-06 15:39:39 UTC
I would first prove that part of earth was as old as the universe, then I would prove that gods day was the rotation of the universe was gods day, not the rotation of the earth it would look like a model of the universe
2014-12-07 07:41:01 UTC
The evidence, the proof of God's existence is all around us in the natural world he created. Aside from that magnificent evidence, are the BILLIONS of lives which God has transformed from nasty, evil, selfish human beings who can testify to His grace and whose outlook on life and behaviour has changed, since Jesus Christ saved them from the consequence of their sin.

I don't NEED to design any experiment to prove God's existence - I AM one!

Still, you wouldn't believe it anyway, would you? You don't believe the evidence which is already abundant, and you never will, unless God's Holy Spirit calls you and changes YOU too - and He can!
2014-12-07 18:44:29 UTC
Science has actually shown that prayer creates a huge release of energy. Could you create a scientific experiment to disprove God's existence?
2014-12-06 08:12:22 UTC
God will not put up with being tested. The only way He encourages testing Him is in the tithe. He is not a circus animal to perform for anyone.

I had all the proof I need. I have seen and been rescued by His angels.

To the Rescue
2014-12-06 20:17:00 UTC
Can you design an experiment that proves your existence?
2014-12-07 04:50:42 UTC
Can I see where science could magically happen? Think of it.. How did the world start? When you close your eyes and see all black, the blacks not even there. There is seriously nothing at all. I mean NOTHING. Nothing at all. So how could science even work? Science was never even a thing. There were no "particles" even floating.. There was nothing. Explain that?
2014-12-06 18:50:05 UTC
I'm not a Christian, but i'm religious; I can prove GOD'S existence to you IF you can prove to me that you deserve such wisdom.
2014-12-07 13:05:04 UTC
A scientific equation is only to explain the natural, God exists in the supernatural where day can instantly become night, where fire will not burn and not smell of smoke.
2014-12-07 17:01:43 UTC
Watch the movie 'God is Not Dead' and maybe you'll stop asking stupid questions.
2014-12-07 12:02:45 UTC
God could send 1000 Angels and you still wouldn't believe.
2014-12-07 13:45:18 UTC
God is spirit (John 4v24), not physical. Human experiments are by nature physical. God can only be conceptualised and understood by a spiritual person.
2014-12-07 08:10:23 UTC
I don't know but

I belive in god and something is pulling me away

so annoying and irrating lol
2014-12-07 19:43:05 UTC
Georges Lemaitre was a Belgian Priest and a scientist who is the one who was originally credited for coming up with the Big Bang Theory, He used this to describe exactly what happened in Genesis.
2014-12-07 12:31:08 UTC
Throw a bible at an atheist's face and claim it wouldn't hurt them if they were Christians. That's all I got. Haha.
2014-12-06 05:54:15 UTC
The ignorant ones (theists that is) think science if compatible with religion. The informed theists will just lie.
2014-12-07 00:24:04 UTC
To believe is to see. It's all about your faith.
2014-12-07 18:46:37 UTC
Evolution and Science are both governed by Proof . Whereas Religion is governed by Faith . Once You have mastered this concept everything falls into place .
2014-12-07 05:27:48 UTC
whoaaa *0* if I could, that would be AWESOME!! let me see... hm... oh! I know! killing someone that went to Heaven and bring them back to life XDDDD future science (slyly sticking tongue out while winking) wahahahaha >:D so yes, in the future, people could ;D
2014-12-06 05:01:32 UTC
If they could, they would have done so. Thus ending the Y|A Philosophy War.
2014-12-06 05:13:24 UTC
Not without using the BRAIN that God gave to humans--so I guess that is enough evidence.
Emmanuel Mba
2014-12-07 05:59:53 UTC
Can u prove that time + matter + chance has produce your brain?
2014-12-08 15:40:26 UTC
it's simple , you're here , have fun and take care
Ye Shall Be As Gods
2014-12-08 15:56:33 UTC
A newborn baby.
2014-12-06 04:57:16 UTC
There are to many assumptions in cosmology.
2014-12-06 05:34:48 UTC
I'm guessing it would be written in feces or some sort of crayon.
Hi T
2014-12-06 05:01:47 UTC
You mean like feeding 5000 from a small boys lunch, and having 12 baskets full of leftovers. Or calming the storm - controlling the weather. Walking on water. Raising the dead. Healing the sick. etc.

God answers prayers today also.

You may think you can mock God and get away with it.
2014-12-07 13:42:30 UTC
It is impossible for science to do this.
2014-12-16 22:46:16 UTC
2014-12-08 01:53:32 UTC
Can you disprove God?
2014-12-08 18:25:35 UTC
yes. Any other questions?
2014-12-07 04:49:18 UTC
There is no need to draw up a scientific experiment to prove God's existence.

Everything everywhere shows purpose, intent, and design.

All of creation shows it.

You couldn't, you wouldn't logically look at your computer screen and say this happened by chance. No, of course not. It is proof that the factories and various processes required to make your screen exist out there. Yet your computer screen is vastly more simple in its functioning than even a single cell in your vast body of organs!

Look at even a single cell. Look at even a single strand of DNA from a single creature. Then consider how all the cells in the body work together. Think about your eyeball looking at this screen right now.

Weird coincidence or design? You be the judge. And when I say "look", I really mean "see".

We can't say that our own will is responsible for our selecting our features, because we were not around at the time of our making to select anything. Another will has done all this, not our own.

No matter how hard I could desire it, I can not even change a single cell in my own body. If my desire can not induce change via evolution then who make me?

It has to be God. It is only God...with one exception...corrupted creation.

We see good intent out there in creation; however, we also see many creations that have been bent on destruction of other creations. Mosquitoes for example, although the males suck fruit the females during their reproductive time suck blood, spreading disease and killing too many people to count (like many other corrupted creations such as viruses and parasites and others). Most Christians believe, that these creations that use to serve a useful purpose, have turned bad because some thing or someone (evil spirits) messed with their DNA changing them into what they are today. They got redesigned from good to bad. Yet their clever design still proves intent! For when God was done creating everything, the Bible tells us, "He saw that it was good". And in a parable in the Bible, He is asked "where then did the weeds come from?" "An enemy has done this." He replied.

So then, God the creator is good, just as the Bible says.

And His enemies, who can not create anything themselves, do have limited power to redesign particular good designs. So then God made eyes and God made worms, but He did not make eye worms, but his enemies did.

His enemies are limited. God is not limited. He is leaving everything to grow together so that He will not judge the weeds along with the wheat. But at the end of the age, he will rescue the wheat and gather the weeds to burn. Justice will finally reign forever, and everything evil will finally be destroyed.
2014-12-07 11:55:08 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.