They often claim: “Evolution is just as substantiated as the theory of gravity,” and they like to play on that word “theory.” But, everyone has observed an object falling at 9.8 meters per second squared. On the other hand, no one has observed life come from non-life (chemical evolution), or functional complex design come from non-intelligence, or the supposed common descent of all life. They are failing to differentiate between operational science (such as gravity) and historical science (interpreting evidence from the past). And, by the way, gravity as a scientific concept (an attractive force between two masses) was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton who just so happened to be a creationist. We have no problem with observable repeatable science. Our problem is with the Darwinian story-telling about the past.
Dr. Cornelius Hunter (who has a PhD in Biophysics and Computational Biology) made this comment: “We don’t understand how life could have first evolved, we don’t understand how multicellular organisms could have evolved from unicellular organisms, we don’t understand how identical unconstrained DNA sequences could be conserved in distant species, we don’t understand how shocking differences could have evolved in otherwise similar species, we don’t understand how consciousness could have evolved, we don’t understand how adaptive mechanisms could have evolved, we don’t understand how a thousand and one complex structures, superior to our best military machines, could have evolved, we don’t understand how..., well you get the idea. In light of the scientific evidence, the fact that evolutionists shout down any dissent makes them look more like the Wizard of Oz than sober scientists” (Does the Evidence Support Evolution, or does Evolution Support the Evidence?).
You know: “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. The Great Oz has spoken!”