2009-08-22 14:13:04 UTC
It's easy to see when you convert from C to F, you have to take the temperature in C and multiply it by 9/5 (this adjusts the scale range and makes it bigger since C only goes from 0 to 100 for freezing point of water through boiling point) and then you add 32 (to adjust for the starting point since since F starts at 32).
And of course when you do it the other way, it is just the inverse. That is why you take your temperature in F and then subtract 32 first and then multiply by 5/9.
Okay maybe I am looking into this too deeply and confusing myself but if someone in the beginning started thinking about F first and how to convert to C, wouldn't he have thought: hey I should take the Fahrenheit scale and multiply it by 5/9 and then subtract 32 to adjust for the starting point.
But we know that we subtract 32 first and then multiply by 5/9 when converting from F to C (because the equation for converting C to F is known and you just do solve for C when makes you do the inverse.
I hope you guys understand my question. Basically when you take the logic "I need to take my temperature in C and multiply by 9/5 and then add 32 to get temp in F" works, how come the logic coming from F to C doesn't work: "I need to take my F and times it by 5/9 and then subtract C."
Sorry if this is confusing.