Can you give me any Scientific Evidence for EVOLUTION?
2008-07-04 11:31:29 UTC

I have studied evolution for some time now and I have NEVER seen ANY scientific evidence for evolution, AT ALL.

Can anyone give me some? Feel free to email me about it, I would appreciate it.
Sixteen answers:
By The Bible
2008-07-08 08:33:14 UTC
Nope. There is not any. But I can give you some against the theory of evolution.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics: "The entropy of an isolated system not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium." [1] Or simply put, everything decays and disintegrates. Thing go from complex to simple, not from simple to complex.

Now, that is totally different from the THEORY of evolution which states, that things go from simple to complex. From a rocky soup comes the first living organism. After millions of year a frog is evolved from it. After many more millions of years a monkey. After many more came humans.

[Please note that the second law of thermodynamic is a law (an absolute law even) and that the theory of evolution is still just a theory (an unproven explanation).]

The second law of thermodynamics has been proven to be fact many, many times in almost every (if not every) field of natural science. It has be proven so well that it along with the first law of thermodynamics are the only "absolute laws of thermodynamics" (according to many scientist). [2] Although there is a third law of thermodynamics that is now also widely accepted.

The top evolutionists know that the laws of thermodynamics disprove the THEORY of evolution and so many have tried to add forth and even fifth laws of thermodynamics to prove evolution true. None have been accepted because of they are "speculative" (meaning without proof). [3]

Have you ever seen an animal of one kind give birth to that of another kind? Have you ever seen inorganic matter (i.e. a rock) give birth to life? No, but many people believe it has happened and that it still does happen. But that's the thing, they BELIEVE that it happened. They are RELIGIOUS. They have their BELIEFS just as every individual has his/her own beliefs. They have their own RELIGION as every individual has his/her own religion. And they have their god (Evolution) just as every individual has his/her own god or gods or God (in my case God).

The fact is: the theory of evolution is a RELIGIOUS BELIEF that is presented as a scientific theory. And it will stay just a “theory” until the end of the world.

Evolution is discussed in detail in a book I read recently. The book is entitled Public School Hell (not my book, though I wish it was). Public School Hell is very clear and easy to read. It also shows the reasons behind why many people believe in Evolution, and the outcomes of their beliefs. And Public School Hell is (in my opinion) the most interesting and most important book I have ever read outside of the Holy Bible. The main thing I like about Public School Hell is that it is very well documented providing a GREAT amount of proof for everything it says. I believe that if you read it you will be 100% sure that Evolution could not possibly be true. Check it out on here
2008-07-06 11:44:28 UTC
Then you have not studied it. Sorry but the scientific evidence is very easy to to say you studied it and have found none.....well means either you have not studied it or do not understand what scientific means.

Not trying to pick a bone here but that is just the way of it. It would be like if I said I studied the matter and found no scientific evidence to suggest why the sky was blue.

If you want some scientific evidence I suggest "Finding Darwin's God" by Ken MIller

One example from that book. Well it seems that proteins are damaged by H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) so they used bacteria and put them a situation with a certain food requiring a protein to break it down and in the presence of h2o2..not to long afterwards the found that the bacteria had evolved an existing protein into one that break down the food source while also being 85% resistant to h2o2. That is Evolution right there.
2008-07-05 14:32:02 UTC
I don't know what it is you studied for some time now but it certainly was not modern biology.

Begin with definitions. Evolution is the term used for a natural phenomenon that is easily observed. Evolution is defined as the change in allele frequency in a population between generations. Evolution is a fact. It is something that is observed constantly. I see it all the time. Anyone with the proper tools can see it happen and measure it. Replace "evolution" with the term for any other observed phenomenon and you will see how ridiculous your claim is.

I just did an experiment where I inserted a plasmid into bacteria. I used an antibiotic to introduce selective pressure and after only a few generations, nearly all of the surviving bacteria had the DNA for antibiotic resistance. The frequency of bacteria with the DNA for a selected trait changed to near 100% just overnight. That's evolution.

The definition of science is another issue which you don't seem to understand. But, that's for another time.
2008-07-04 12:23:29 UTC
The best evidence for evolution is, in my opinion, formed from gene trees. That is, if I take gene sequences from various species and try to group them on the basis of which ones are most similar, then I find they fall neatly into binary trees recapitulating the expected relationship between animals - that is, humans and chimps are most similar to each other, then gorillas, then baboons, etc. House cats and lions are closer to each other than dogs, etc. This is strong evidence for common descent with modification.

Then there's the absolute evidence from inheritance. We know the genetic material can change; we can see how allele frequencies change in the population (if you don't know what that means, you need to read more). We know genes produce proteins which produce our form and structure. What's left to wonder about? It's clear as day.
2008-07-04 11:52:23 UTC
The major scientific fact of evolution (in my opinion) is hidden in the skeletons of various existing and extinct species..

the basic structure of the skeleton in almost every species remains the same... but the size and shape of the bones and the muscle groups associated varies..

Take for example the skeleton of a VELOCIRAPTOR(died 65 million years ago and is a REPTILE)...

1. Cut out the tail.

2. Shrink its head a bit.

3. Shorten the 'neckbone'.

4. Make it stand straight.

and "EUREKA.!!" u have something that resembles the skeleton of a HUMAN BEING (writing this answer!! and is a MAMMAL).. It is also said that all the 'creatures' that walk on the face of this planet have descended from the same creature.. We ALL have a common father.
2016-10-04 14:13:38 UTC
i'm able to describe to you the way mutations (extensive area of evolution) happen in case you have an interest. Mutations happen while DNA is copied incorrect, be it throughout the time of replication (formerly cells divide), or transcription and translation (techniques that convert DNA into RNA, that's like training for protein assembly). There are 4 nitrogeneous bases (A, T, G, C) that make up the rungs of the DNA "ladder," and on occasion they get scrambled, deleted, further, etc. while the bases are scrambled, the RNA (form of like copies of DNA that make proteins) is study incorrect, and it may replace the amino acids that make up proteins. as a effect, the protein won't function properly. while proteins that act as switches for issues like cellular branch can no longer function properly, undesirable and solid issues can take place. human beings and chimpanzees variety in approximately 2% of their DNA. a considerable distinction between us is the type of neurons in our brains. in basic terms think of: what if the proteins that controlled the type of rounds of cellular branch for the chimps' neurons have been altered?
2008-07-04 11:44:03 UTC
Are you kidding? What's the first name you think of? Darwin. Read his book - it's not just conjecture, it's studied evidence.

Generations and generations of skeletons, from tree-dwelling apes, to land-dwelling apes, to apes upright, to Neaderthals etc. (excuse the spelling), to modern man.

Moths. In polluted areas, white moths are easily snapped up by bats etc. when they land on a blackened smoke stack or wall. They don't breed. Random mutations generate darker moths, which blend in, and DO manage to breed. Dark scales become embedded in the genome from repeated breeding. Then moths are pretty much black, blend in perfectly, breed in proliferation. Then someone cleans the walls and the smokestacks, and black moths stand out. It happens again, but backwards. Pale moths generated by random mutation survive to breed, the black ones don't. The pale moths eventually survive and proliferate as successfully as the dark ones did, as the dark ones die out.

That was an actual study, and there are hundreds of examples of this. I'm sure wiki can provide some answers and further case studies, with some names you can look into.
2008-07-04 11:42:41 UTC
I cannot believe you have made any serious study of evolution. The amount of scientific data demonstrating the occurrence of evolution would easily fill a library. To give one of the more obvious examples, the evolution of antibiotic bacteria is a multiply observed phenomenon.
2008-07-04 18:27:42 UTC
The North American hawthorn maggot fly and it's apple devouring descendants with which it 19 times out of 20 cannot interbreed. The apple was introduced to North America after 1540, the apple version of the fly was first noted in 1861. This illustrates evolution in the wild over less than 330 years and that a new species of fly has all but evolved.

The occurrence of multiple inactivated retroviral DNA sequences in corresponding parts of the chimpanzee and human genome.

The age of the Earth

Fusion of two chromosomes to produce the 23 chromosomes of humans with the central and end parts still being detectable.

Vast regions of identity in human and other mammalian genome sequences. Vast regions of identity in wheat, rice and other grain genomes. Regions of similarity and regions of identity in wheat and human genomes. This information is in thousands of scientific papers and even patents.

Illustration of a transition from reptile to mammal by the existing monotremes and a later stage by the existing marsupials.

Multiple "transitional forms" as illustrated in "New Scientist" for 1 March 2008 by S. Prothero.

Flints is lying about Chinese fakes.
2008-07-06 06:27:21 UTC
Evolution: something happened + a lot of time passed + something else happened

Like “Have you stopped beating your wife?”, there is no way to disprove it.

One only has to say, “if enough time passes, anything can happen”.

The problem with it is it requires the existence evolutionary links.

In the 149 years since the book was published, no missing links have been found.

So the theory, remains unproven.

In the United States;

It exists because is it puffed up by a government mandate.

Teachers are forced to teach it, so they teach it as though it were real.

Students believe it because they believe their teachers.

In reality, evolution is a faith based religion forced on people by the US government. It is exactly what the 1st amendment of the US Constitution tried to prevent.
2008-07-04 12:32:23 UTC
Most evidence for evolution is made from conjecture. There IS evidence however but its based on experimentation with bacteria. There continues to be debate on the mechanism of evolution and its not complete. Remember evolution is not a law it is theory which means there is a considerable amount of evidence to support it and it would be foolhardy to deny it. I actually like this reference myself:
2008-07-04 18:52:49 UTC
Actually, the more people prove it the more i find they disprove it. All of the "evidence" like the feathered dinosaurs are mainly faked artifacts made in china for a profit. The "ape-human" reconstructions are actually based more on imagination than science, the older the artifact the more apelike the reconstruction is made even though there is no evidence about this.

Besides, if you study around you at all the flora and fauna at any level, it is just too ingenious to have been an accident.

Just concider

A temite mound is built with vents that when strategically opened and resealed keeps ALL temite mounds at a constant temperature

And a housefly can fly better than any airplane so far and is millions of times smarter than our best computer ever constructed
2008-07-04 11:37:41 UTC
No... Mabyee God created the earth, there's a little more logic in that.
2008-07-04 12:38:13 UTC
Here is my summary of the 10 categories of evidence for evolution. In all your studies of evolution, have you not encountered *ANY* of this???

1. Evolution reproduced in the lab or documented in nature:

a. Two strains of fruit flies lost the ability to interbreed and produce fertile offspring in the lab over a 4-year span ... i.e. they became two new species. (Easily repeated experiment.)

b. A new plant species (a type of firewood), created by a doubling of the chromosome count from the original stock (Mosquin, 1967).

c. Multiple species of the house mouse unique to the Faeroe Islands occurred within 250 years of introduction of a foundation species on the island.

d. Formation of 5 new species of cichlid fishes that have formed in a single lake within 4,000 years of introduction of a parent species.

2. Fossil evidence - (So much to list). The way fossils appear in the layers of rock always corresponds to relative development ... more primitive creatures in lower (older) layers. Absolute dating of fossils using radiometry. Constant discovery of new transitional forms. E.g. reptile-birds, reptile-mammals, legged whales, legged sea cows.

3. Genetic evidence - E.g. the fact that humans have a huge number of genes (as much as 96%) in common with other great apes ... and (as much as 50%) with wheat plants. The pattern of genetic evidence follows the tell-tale patterns of ancestral relationships (more genes in common between recently related species, and fading the further back in time).

4. Molecular evidence - These are commonalities in DNA ... which is separate from genetic commonalities ... much of our DNA does not code for genes at all. But random mutations (basically 'typos') enter into DNA at a known rate over the centuries. This is called the 'molecular clock' and again gives excellent evidence of when humans diverged from other apes (about 6 million years ago, according to this molecular clock), and this corresponds perfectly with when these fossils first appear in the fossil record (using radiometric dating).

5. Evidence from proteins - Proteins - E.g., things like blood proteins (the things that give us our A, B, O blood typing and the Rh factor (the plus/minus thing) which incidentally stands for 'rhesus monkey'); the exact structure of the insulin molecule; and my favorite, the proteins responsible for color vision. The specific proteins found in human color vision are exactly the same as those found in Old World primates (the great apes and the monkeys found in Africa and Asia). These proteins are absent in New World primates (the Central and South American monkeys), and from all other mammals. In fact among the New World primates, only the howler monkey has color vision ... but these use slightly *different* proteins, coded on different locations and chromosomes, than humans and the OW primates. This is yet more evidence of a closer link between humans and the OW primates.

6. Vestigial and atavistic organs - E.g. Leg and pelvic bones in whales, dolphins, and some snakes; unused eyes in blind cave fish, unused wings in flightless birds and insects; flowers in non-fertilizing plants (like dandelions); in humans, wisdom teeth, tailbones, appendix, the plantaris muscle in the calf (useless in humans, used for grasping with the feet in primates).

7. Embryology - E.g. Legs on dolphin embryos; tails and gill folds on human embryos; snake embryos with legs; marsupial eggshell and carnuncle.

8. Biogeography - The current and past distribution of species on the planet. E.g. almost all marsupials and almost no placental mammals are native to Australia ... the result of speciation in a geographically isolated area.

9. Homology - E.g. the same bones in the same relative positions in primate hands, bat wings, bird wings, mammals, whale and penguin flippers, pterosaur wings, horse legs, the forelimbs of moles, and webbed amphibian legs.

10. Bacteriology, virology, immunology, pest-control - I.e. the way that bacteria evolve in response to antibiotics (we can compare strains of tuberculosis today, with samples of older epidemics and can see the specific structures), or viruses (like HIV) respond to antivirals, or insects evolving in response to pesticides.
2008-07-06 17:32:55 UTC
Joe B
2008-07-04 21:25:38 UTC
What have you been studying?

It's everywhere

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.