Why do people seperate science and religion?
2014-11-23 00:47:28 UTC
Don't you think they should be discussed together? I mean, if religious people better understood scientific findings, wouldn't they be able to judge better? Also, why don't they want to study ancient religions and see all the similiarities between all the creationist stories. Its like everyone just wants to focus on one thing (religion) and don't want to incorporate anything else into their view of the world and universe.
63 answers:
Special EPhex
2014-11-23 16:42:25 UTC
Around the time of Rene Descartes, the world was beginning to be explained in a more material and mechanistic sense. When civilization began to understand the world as a bunch of components organized in more complex system, like a clock, the split between science and religion became apparent to the linear and logical manner of thinking. For many centuries, perhaps thousands of years, the two were accepted together in the bigger picture of how things work. Many ancient civilizations had advanced understanding of mathematics, astronomy and physics as well as advanced spiritual knowledge of other worldly concepts.

In more recent centuries, the two have been view as exclusive of one another, as there hasn't been much information presented to demonstrate how the two are inclusive. A more open minded approach tends to bridge the gap between the two, as it is apparent that have different contexts but are not separate. The dogma of both science and religion is a more narrow perspective which limits the view from a more broader sense. Growing up it has always been obvious to me that God created the dinosaurs. I believe science is a material expression of the magnificence of God, and religion is the spiritual expression. Both are equally experiential, and recognized with a flexible mind.
2014-11-23 15:39:55 UTC
Because it is seperated by need

Science requires that one goes with the evidence. That one looks at what happens, makes measurements, make predictions based upon those and checks to see if those happen.

If they do great but do it again and again

If it doesn't, well you we're wrong, your explanation of what happens was wrong.

Science seeks the how, the how things work, how things happen and happened. The how that can predict with allot of thinking and work of course what will happen next and.. be right

Black holes for instance we're theoretically known before they we're actually measured to exist. The calculations in mass in and gravity just.. had a hole. A black hole, well pun aside there was in the general calculations regarding masses in space a slight missing part. An HUGE amount of gravity keeping things together. And guess what .. they found it but only many years after it theoretical was known to probably exist.

Theories also can be wrong. And if such is found out such theories are put aside and changed where they are wrong.

Now lets to go to religion, oh yeah it doesn't works the same way does it.

Religion claims A, religion might make predictions upon A but such might happen.. or not. For everything a religion has claimed to happen at least something was claimed that Didn't Happen!

Religion Defines A, but.. offers no tools nor ways to test A. It says, lets take Christianity, Jesus is the son of God. But then.. how do you test such, how can you test such a claim.

You can't hence you can't use it to build upon.

The whole religious structure is build upon this system that A is as claimed without anybody speaking against it. And things are build around it, for instance that Jesus was born from a Virgin. Well how can you test that.. how can you be sure that is right. And then it even adds more on it by claiming that God gave 10 commandments. Hold a second, can you show us how... you can't

Hence in science if you claim something you have to show something for it. And if you can't yet hope that with allot of work a person in the future will indeed find out that you we're right. Until it is shown that there is a reason to support your idea it can't really be used.

In Religion you claim A and.. so it is. There is no test and we all have seen how people who ask to many questions we're treated.

Hence why, it simply are very different things.

Now if you are religious you always can say that science is the HOW things are done and religion is the WHY things are done.
2014-11-23 07:21:56 UTC
For the very same reasons that people separate

- science and history

- science and grammar

- science and phys ed


The two fields are distinct. They two fields are concerned with different things, employ different methods, and have different objectives.

For the same reason that you don't learn grammar in biology class

you also don't learn about religions in science class

2) Don't you think they should be discussed together?

They are...when they are both relevant to a discussion. Typically they are NOT both relevant to a discussion.

3) I mean, if religious people better understood scientific findings, wouldn't they be able to judge better?

Sure. Me: Bach Sci Physics 1989, minor Chemistry. I'm a better judge of scientific issues than most of my fellow Christians - but so what? That only gives me one advantage over my fellow Christians. Namely: I'm a better judge of scientific issues than most of my fellow Christians.

4) why don't they want to study ancient religions and see all the similiarities between all the creationist stories.

The reason is simple.

Most people don't like to study period.

Most people who do like to study are more interested in other topics.

Only a few are particularly interested in comparative religious studies.

I'm unusual in that most subjects of study interest me. Most people are not like that. Most people have special areas of interest - and comparative religious studies is not one of those areas for most people!
2014-11-23 01:23:00 UTC
Religion is mainly based off faith. Faith is the complete in what one cannot see.

Science is logic based. Complete belief in what one CAN see.

The inaptly named 'humanity' believes in their own version of absolute logic. 'Why should I believe in something I cannot prove the existence of?'

Then, there are so many theorists who come out with things like the Darwin theory, or time travel, or atoms, disproving Gods existence.

My belief is that science is the mystery of God. People see these mysteries as the laws of the universe, not realizing that God has created those laws and placed them there to eventually be found by a few chosen.

Unfortunately, those few chosen have made the decision to corrupt the minds of many weak minded people, and now we have Atheism, gays parading around proudly, sex changes, non-specific genders, plastic surgery... etc...

This is all due to science. A perfect species, doing everything they can to change into something theyare not.

If a man gets his p88is cut off and has an artificial vagina constructed... he is still a man without a d*ck. Cutting off his stuff does not chnge the fact that he was born male.

He cannot have babies, which is the wonderful reason for women. If he has sex with a man, he is gay. Not straight.

This is all due to science. This wonderful science you all worship is the main reason why the world is a corrupted, disgusting, over the top piece of waste in the universe.

Only God has shone His light here. I am fully surprised sometimes that Christ has not abandoned us as lost.
2014-11-23 00:53:36 UTC
As a Catholic I love to put them together! I think that science is fascinating! You see we believe in seeking the truth and that's what science is. It's a study of our world in attempt to find truth. I think the Big Bang Theory is a beautiful description of the creation story that I believe in and they kinda fit too! Same with Evolution while some people disagree I feel like both of our beliefs actually support each other rather than contradict. It just matters in the way you look at it. I love it!
The Eye
2014-11-23 01:25:12 UTC
Did you know that recently a scientist made a device that can split water into its two key elemental components and that it runs on a pair of AAA batteries? Did you know that scientists may have a working theory of using an advanced form of light therapy that might one day cure epilepsy?

Did you know that the smart-device in your right pocket is a piece of technological brilliance that connects you to potentially everyone in the world at any given time, often a detailed picture of exactly what they're doing, saying or thinking at several times through the day, a connection to the collective human database of knowledge which doubles up as the most sophisticated tool for self expression ever devised.... which you mostly use to look at pictures of cats...

Did you know that Science is responsible for your motorized transport in any and every form, it's the reason you aren't dying of plagues and poxes, and what keeps you healthy and fit whereas the same things might have ended you a hundred years ago. in time we will have a cure for cancer, there are promising results in effect already for this AND aids/hiv.

Science gives us a look at the stars, at an infinite amount of worlds and possibilities that await ONLY for our technology to advance just a little more.

Do you know what religion has done recently?

It's had a bunch of people on their knees in a stone building, begging a bronze age sky-ghost to not torture them for not reading an ancient book hard enough. It has made human beings into simpering, ill educated, undignified servants to a silent, deaf spirit.

In other parts of the world it has killed young females who wanted nothing more than to attend a school and be educated, it has flown planes into buildings, it has slaughtered mercilessly and without reason that can be perceived by reasonable people...

It has not blessed humanity with new technologies, medicine or philosophies and new ways of thinking. It LOVES the toys that science gives it but HATES the questions that science asks.

We separate Science and religion because the last time we didn't, the church told everyone that viruses and diseases were "demons" infesting people's bodies that could ONLY be cured through prayer..... And they burned people that tried to cure them with critical thinking and medicine, calling them "Witches" and "heretics".

Science is the means of discovering and learning about the intricate inner workings of the universe around us. It's the path to a future of equality and plenty and peace.

Religion is not.
2014-11-24 08:08:42 UTC
"if religious people better understood scientific findings, wouldn't they be able to judge better? "

You think science (or me) gives a damn whether they understand science or not?, cos it (and me) dont

"Also, why don't they want to study ancient religions and see all the similiarities between all the creationist stories."

Why should they?

Science (and me) dont care what the stories are or if they are similar

Science is based on evidence and fact, not stories,

It dont matter a damn how many variations of a story there are, it dont make any of them true (or even close to the truth)

Science and religion will ALWAYS remain separate until religion comes up with some evidence ,

It aint the job of science to find that evidence, its the job of whoever wants religion to be regarded as a science

And science(and me) dont care if that never happens
great knight
2014-11-27 19:29:35 UTC
The two fields are not seperate unless you have a false religion that explains nothing. Jesus Christ is the truth. There are many scientists who you can lookup who make parallels of science to the Word. Since God created everything, science is really just study of His creation but when they start making things up and ignoring evidence then you get a different interpretation. For instance, science says there is a rock, period. One man knows because God created it. Another would rather believe it must have created itself even though known science says energy and matter dont. Here is a good video to start:"" But of course read God's Word. Get Kjversion Bible. Now, we can even use the Word of God to understand human nature. How many made up "philosophies" can only observe the dual human nature? God's Word explains it. And even current events. I could go on but will run out of room.
2014-11-23 14:58:35 UTC
1. The word is "separate" - two "e's" and two "a's".

This a common spelling error.

Do yourself a favor and learn how to get it right.

2. Science and religion are like chalk and cheese in so many ways. *People* don't separate them. Their *differences* do that!

(a) Religions are based upon ancient understandings which have come down to us unchanged over thousands of years. They came into being many years ago in profoundly ignorant times.

Science is relatively new, with discoveries in most scientific fields being no more than a century or two old AND being constantly *updated* by the work of thousands of brilliant men and women..

(b) Religion relies upon faith as the basis upon which its claims are to be accepted.

Science demands rigorous testing of all of the claims that it makes. No single researcher is trusted and others in the discipline must examine and duplicate a new notion, before it is accepted.

(c) Religion exists to provide the faithful with comfort in knowing that a loving god watches over them, and that a heavenly paradise awaits them at their demise.

The role of science is to advance man's knowledge in a wide variety of fields. It's discoveries may be reassuring or they may be alarming. Science is pursued to discover truth, not to provide anyone with peace of mind.

Religion is there to provide comfort and reassurance.

Science is there to advance man's knowledge and competence.

They could hardly be more different in their aims and their methods.
2014-11-23 11:33:25 UTC
They are not actually that far apart a lot of science was discovered by religious people. There are still today a lot of scientists who believe in God including some from the Vatican itself who study space. Also a fair few people do cross over and study both I study religion not saying I know a great deal but I like to study it. A guy who was emailing me recently he/she believes in God and studies science. So a fair few people do it. Its just about not taking everything on Gospel and going with what you can prove rather than believe in science and that goes as a view point from both religious and non religious. Galileo is one such person backing this point.
2014-11-25 06:19:40 UTC
Like a Catholic I enjoy placed these people collectively! I believe in which research is actually exciting! The thing is that many of us rely on looking for the truth and that's exactly what research is actually. It's a examine in our entire world with try and locate truth. I believe this Large Beat Concept is a gorgeous account with the formation account that i rely on plus they somewhat healthy way too! Same with Progression although some persons don't agree I'm just like equally in our values really assist one another instead of contradict. That only matters the way anyone consider it. I like this!
2014-11-26 20:28:14 UTC
Good question.

Many people are interested in science, but not religion.

Many people are interested in religion, but not science.

You cannot have one without the other.
2014-11-28 08:48:48 UTC
Science and religion contradict each other. Religion relies on "faith", whereas science relies on theories that can be proven

rigorously. Of course, I'm talking about the real sciences like physics and mathematics.
2014-11-23 13:50:05 UTC
The spirits have all of the science you can handle.

They can even, through a scientific process and knowledge, make you alive once more.

They stole the book and changed it. It used to have several scientific facts in it the way it was written but now it does not. And there was nobody back then that could have known those things had they not been told.
2014-11-24 17:20:39 UTC
The idea of separating science and religion is a Western idea base on their history. It is not universal. The Muslims had no problem combining science and religion.
Brigalow Bloke
2014-11-23 02:10:33 UTC
Because the Hindu says it was Vishnu and the Christians says it was Yahweh, and both have the same amount of evidence for their claims. None at all. When the position of each side is weak, the argument is more violent. Scientists woke up to this 350 years ago and they do not permit religion in scientific discussions. What a scientist may believe privately is her or his own business.

99.99% of scientists have no professional interest in the origin of the Universe or the emergence of life and a lot of them could not care less about either question.
2014-11-25 01:25:04 UTC
There is a religion called "Religious Science"

It's a beautiful & peaceful practice. Just thought you should know that exists ;)
2014-11-24 08:26:22 UTC
The two fields are distinct. They two fields are concerned with different things, employ different methods, and have different objectives.

For the same reason that you don't learn grammar in biology class

you also don't learn about religions in science class

2) Don't you think they should be discussed together?

They are...when they are both relevant to a discussion. Typically they are NOT both relevant to a discussion.

3) I mean, if religious people better understood scientific findings, wouldn't they be able to judge better?

Sure. Me: Bach Sci Physics 1989, minor Chemistry. I'm a better judge of scientific issues than most of my fellow Christians - but so what? That only gives me one advantage over my fellow Christians. Namely: I'm a better judge of scientific issues than most of my fellow Christians.
2014-11-23 00:49:39 UTC
Good point. Alchemists were awesome, and they mixed their belief and science together to get a logical explanation. Check out "Robert Boyle". A really great mind for its time.

I just assume it has come to the point of facts. And that beliefs are not that important in terms of science. I mean i think its good if you can be objective and can find the answers that way.

Which is what modern science has evolved too.
Gaia’s Garden
2014-11-23 13:23:51 UTC
We seperate them for the same reason we seperate math and English. The fields of study don't overlap. Science is concerned with what happens in the world, and religion is concerned with finding our place on the world and our relationship with Deity.
2014-11-24 14:46:41 UTC
The Catholic church was very opressive in the past (look want they did to Galeilo) so science has had to go it alone in safer countries like German Holland England. In Spain many were put to death for voicing different ideas. The first mistake in science is to fall in love with your own ideas or with what you were taught. Ideas are constantly revised in science because of discovery.
2014-11-23 23:28:15 UTC
I think the Big Bang Theory is a beautiful description of the creation story that I believe in and they kinda fit too! Same with Evolution while some people disagree I feel like both of our beliefs actually support each other rather than contradict. It just matters in the way you look at it. I love it!
2014-11-23 02:12:59 UTC
Science is the reason almost all of the thousands upon thousands of gods mankind has created and worshipped through the centuries are now resigned to myth, lore and legend or simply forgotten. The fear truth and science.
2014-11-23 00:53:26 UTC
It's very simple.

Science is for people who want to know the truth regardless of how desirable it may be.

Theistic religion is for people who want to believe what is desirable regardless of how true it is.
2014-11-23 15:00:20 UTC
The Bible while not a science textbook is scientifically accurate!

The Bible contains information that was way far ahead of its time. For example, the Bible book of Leviticus contained laws God gave for his then people, ancient Israel. On quarantine and hygiene when surrounding nations knew nothing about such matters. Even Deuteronomy 23: 12-14 spoke about safety by excrement away from where the the people camped.

And at a time when there were wrong wrong ideas about the shape of the earth, the Bible at Isaiah 40:22 referred to it as a circle, or sphere. The Bible also accurately said that the earth 'hangs on nothing' at Job 26:7. Thousands of years later men of science discovered as true what God's inspired word had already said.

The Bible when it touches on scientific matters is accurate.

Is this not what we would expect of a book from God?

(Hebrews 3:4) All science, every molecule has been designed and created by God! Jehovah God.

(Revelation 4:11)

* a person need not study all the religions in the world to know the right one, just as a person need not study all counterfeit dollar bills to know the fake, just study the real one and you'll be able to spot the fake. Study what Jesus taught us from Almighty God, and we'll be on the right path for a Christian.(John 5:30 & 17:3)

Learn more at JW.ORG
2014-11-23 09:05:30 UTC
Demarcation between science and religion isn't purely artificial; because one can argue that there is a natural divide between empirical data and religious belief.

Empirical data can be tested and falsified/verified; but religious belief cannot be falsified/verified.
Lt Kije
2014-11-23 03:31:07 UTC
Because science is more likely to be correct and can be easily verified. On the other hand religion is not able to show anything which really exists.
2014-11-24 05:13:50 UTC
i dont mean to generalize but all the religious people ive come across in media, online, and in face to face interactions tended to be pretty narrow minded, i mean dont get me wrong some of them have been very kind people and i have close friends in many different religions but i think a spacific type of person is drawn to religion on that wants simple and easy answers to things and religion provides that
2014-11-23 00:57:17 UTC
I have a question, how on earth can science go with religion when science is based on facts that completley contradict god and his (or her, whatever floats your boat) exsitence? An example, christanity is said to believe the world i no more than 6 thousand years old or around that area, but yet fossils which are claimed to be millions of years old have been found? I'm a firm atheist, but I will not deny that that there may be SOME (not much, but a little) accuracy in religious beliefs, mainly because in order to make up something you have to base it off something else. Let me be perfectly clear, I think religion is the #1 dumbest thing to have ever been invented, however it is possible to have some historical accuracy in it's teachings (not including any part with god or talking animals you dumba*sses think actually meant something). I'm pretty sure whoever invented any religion thought "if I say something incredibly stupid, it may actually sound believable".
2014-11-24 19:31:08 UTC
Because science requires objective evidence and religion requires belief without any evidence.
The First Dragon
2014-11-23 00:53:29 UTC
Science and religion are different disciplines, and have different purposes. But I have no idea why anybody would not want to learn both. And then, of course, to discuss each in the light of the other. I love it myself.
2014-11-23 05:58:30 UTC
Expediency whether political or social tends to favour one or the other but people were made to be holistic creatures able to discern spiritual and scientific truths which are of the same source.The worlds leading scientists proclaimed theistic faith despite all the social pressures to conform to base materialism and secular humanism which has no foundation even in science itself.Especially science where modern research of micro biological dna points inexorably to precision engineering and no way randomly disposed as The Establishment want us to believe.
2014-11-23 00:51:18 UTC
I'm OK with whatever you want to do, just as long as you keep the fundy "my beliefs and/or book is infallible" attitude OUT of our science.
2014-11-23 00:52:57 UTC
Most thinking people don't.

Many top scientists are, and always have been, believers;eg Newton, Kepler, Boyle, Professors John Bryant, N C Nevin OBE etc.
2014-11-23 22:17:22 UTC
Science is inquiry. Religion suppresses inquiry.
2014-11-24 15:28:25 UTC
because Science is based on facts and Religion is based on myths
2014-11-23 01:22:41 UTC
Because they refuse to believe that science and religion derive from the same God.
2014-11-23 15:36:32 UTC
because science cant prove religion
2014-11-23 01:05:50 UTC
Because they contradict. Adam wasn't ever a Monkey. lol And Scientists say yes, but there was no Adam.
2014-11-24 08:17:31 UTC
science is technology and religion is your believe
2014-11-23 01:48:00 UTC
Science is inquiry. Religion suppresses inquiry.
2014-11-23 11:59:50 UTC
Asceticism is known as "the supreme science."

It is called "the supreme science" in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and several other religions -- especially those in which monasticism is practiced.
2014-11-23 00:49:24 UTC
Science verifies Genesis. I love how the facts work.
2014-11-23 02:13:45 UTC
Religion has no place in the rational world.
2014-11-23 04:00:43 UTC
They obviously believe their God was not clever enough to use the big bang, evolution and science as his tools then?
2014-11-25 02:36:32 UTC
Because that is the best way to define the two or else there will be a lot of contradiction to belief.
2014-11-23 02:41:34 UTC
Each side wants their answer accepted, (and the political-power that comes with), once-and-for-all; neither is patient-enough to wait.
2014-11-23 01:29:16 UTC
Genesis 1

11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Luke 6:44

For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.
2014-11-23 22:46:05 UTC
because they are not the same thing......."gods" were created as a way to explain the various things that happened that people were not able to explain.....they were created to explain things that science can prove
2014-11-23 11:57:30 UTC
Well both sides claim to know each subject better than the subject themselves
2014-11-24 23:48:58 UTC
Religion has no place in the rational world.
2014-11-24 20:52:36 UTC
Religion has no place in the rational world.
2014-11-23 06:04:40 UTC
Science tries to analyze the "HOW".

Religion tries to discuss the "WHY".
2014-11-23 21:42:49 UTC
Coming to think about it, science is "facts" and "hypothesis" making something in life; and religion is believing in the "bible" and most importantly "god/Jesus Christ/Virgin Mary".
2014-11-23 04:26:38 UTC
If both were studied, people would find that they agreed. The Bible has been validated by objective science as truth.
2014-11-23 09:01:40 UTC
No problems between religion and science..."but say, "O my Lord! advance me in knowledge." (Koran)
2014-11-23 05:54:34 UTC
because it suits the world
Sweetdaddy Rex
2014-11-24 08:26:31 UTC
Remember, separate has ARAT in it !
2014-11-23 23:52:28 UTC
cuz both have different views on facts.
2014-11-23 10:52:37 UTC
2014-11-23 10:14:00 UTC
religion demands ignorance.....
2014-11-24 10:49:39 UTC
2014-11-24 06:42:42 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.