do you save more electricy keeping a light on or turning it on and off as needed?
2010-02-21 10:40:35 UTC
do you save more electricy keeping a light on or turning it on and off as needed?
Six answers:
2010-02-21 11:46:53 UTC
Your question is not quite a Yes/No answered one.

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Fact: All manufactured Illumination costs money to produce, Thus Lights Off = No Money spent. Lights On = Money being spent. That is Simply put.

Incandescent Light is an Electrically Resistive piece of special wire the "Filament". When Electricity passes through this Filament it heats up greatly to the point, "Incandesence", that it is almost turning the Metal Filament into Vapor. This energy consumption is constant throughout the "On-Time" of the Bulb.

Fluorescent and High-Intensity Discharge Lights, and Neon use an Electrical device called a Transformer or "Ballast" that is contained in the Light Fixture or very close to it produce the voltage and power needed by the Bulb! When the Ballast is first turned it uses much more electricity for a few mili-seconds ( this is called Inrush Current ) to Light the bulb. After the light bulb in this type of lighting comes up to operating temperature the power to produce the light is less than when first turned on. More money is spent in the Initial "Turning On " period of the bulb than is used to "Keep it On" after it WARMS UP.

So! There are cases where turning On and Off "Ballast" type light fixtures many times during a 24 Hour Period, could cost more than just leaving them On.

Also there is the "WEAR-and-TEAR" factor to all of the components of any electrical device, regardless of what type of device, that is turned on and off on a regular basis. Heating and Cooling of the device and its components tend to create Thermal Shock and often reduces the useful life the device.
Frank N
2010-02-21 22:45:26 UTC
The starting surge current for household bulbs (incandescent or fluorescent) is not significant. But for most fluorescent tubes, their useful lifetime is better measured by the number of times they are turned on. For a place like a hallway or bathroom where the light is on just for a few minutes at a time, incandescent is a better choice than fluorescent.

For an incandescent, have it on just when you want the light. For a fluorescent, the tradeoff point (considering wear as well as power usage) is probably around 1-3 hours.
2010-02-21 10:42:56 UTC
turning it on and off as needed saves the most money.

Unless you are turning it on and off for short intervals, just a few seconds, then leave it on. Not that this saves a significant amount of money, but the light will last longer.

2010-02-21 10:48:31 UTC
Turning it on and off as needed
2010-02-21 10:44:22 UTC
well you will save more when you turn it off and turn it on when needed because its not running 24/7
2016-12-13 11:52:58 UTC
No you do no longer decide directly to go away your lighting fixtures on all day. in case you have been stepping into and out of a room numerous cases in a quick era, then confident, it quite is nice to in basic terms go away the sunshine on incredibly than turning it on and rancid many times. As for bulb wattage - seventy 5 watts isn't the "suitable". you do no longer use a wattage bigger than is cautioned for the lamp or fixture, and a outstanding style of indoor lamps are 40W max - examine the label on the lamp before you in basic terms stick any bulb in there. what's nice is having adequate illumination for it is function - you do no longer decide directly to be sitting in semi darkness and you do no longer decide on your domicile lit up like the 4th of July. Assuming you're unlikely to be turning your television on and rancid numerous cases in a jiffy, in simple terms turn it off once you're executed observing it. Your best electrical energy expenses are heating (in case you have electric warmth), cooling (in case you employ a/c), electric dryers and electric water warmers. turn your warmth on once you get domicile or software your thermostat activate a a million/2 hour or so before you get domicile in case you choose the domicile heat, you do no longer might desire to run all of it day. purchase the curly flourescent bulbs to your lighting fixtures furniture the place you may. the only way you're unlikely to apply electrical energy for a month is that in case you close up all of it off on the breaker, and the meter's unlikely to go so . . ??? call your utility corporation in case you have greater questions, their customer provider reps are knowledgeable in all this.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.