Modern Science proves that God doesn't exist, do you agree?
2016-10-02 08:40:45 UTC
Modern Science proves that God doesn't exist, do you agree?
260 answers:
2016-10-04 15:57:14 UTC
These are the same idiots that think evolution is a fact. Prove that is a fact 1st and ill take them more seriously. If evolution was real then there would be all levels or evolved creatures running around.. I don't know about you, but, I haven't seen any super hairy people running around with tails and gills. It is ridiculous. Certain species may evolve within a certain species but a fish does not become a dog. Teaching our kids that they were once single celled organisms that UN-miraculously transformed into a human is shameful as anyone can see the miraculous in all life every day.. Science cannot explain miracles they can only explain how the miraculous now works.

The also have stupid theories about life being transported to earth from asteroids lmao.. The can not grasp that all things they have found on asteroids are already here. Avoiding the fact that all necessary aspects for life from position, composition, mass, etc. are perfect on earth and that "God " doesn't need to bring an asteroid that didn't become a planet to spawn life here.

These are the same morons that say all human existence started in Africa and slowly over time migrated here and there. Same kind of thinking that refuses to even contemplate the idea that the Native Americans were not created , like all the rest. They are obviously their own race of people unlike any in the whole earth and didnt migrate through Alaska or by long ships. lol All of the different races were created where they are found. Africans did not migrate to the middle east and beyond and loose their blackness haha.

People can not put any "faith" in the ideas of men. I, for sure, put my faith in the truth which is from above and let wisdom fall where it will. What kind of fool would not see how simply unrealistic these continuing proposals are.
2016-10-03 10:39:50 UTC
Modern Science proves that God doesn't exist, do you agree?

That depends. The 'god' i'm assuming you're referring to is the abrahamic one right? Epicurus disproved him millennia ago, and he probably wasn't even referring to the same god. It still applies though. The abrahamic god, as it is defined by the men who wrote the jewish holy books, and the christian folktales they pasted onto them later, is simply a paradox. And it's not just because he can't create a rock so large he couldn't lift it, it's the fact that they claim to have a loving god, and what we see in the stories is the complete opposite. What we see in reality is complete neglect, or disinterest. The problem is that when it comes to their sky pixie, christians COMPLETELY lose any sense of morality, giving their megalomaniac a free pass ONLY because 'he's gawd'. I'm telling ya right now, if we ever create robots with legitimate intelligence and then treat them like ****, it will take them less than a microsecond to figure out that just because we created them, we do Not have the right to abuse them. Most abrahamic cultists are somehow incapable of even considering applying basic morals to their 'all loving god'.

Modern science basically dismantles christianity, as without original sin, the zombie jew died for nothing. Even though believers still somehow claim we Are still born sinful despite the sacrifice that was supposed to stop that...these people think 3 = 1. They're not rationally sound.

Now while most people will admit that science has proved the bible wrong numerous times (shape of the earth, place in the universe, lack of a flood, jews never being in egypt, jesus folktales appearing 80-100 years after his alleged death etc. etc.) you still cannot claim that it has proved a god does not exist. Why is this? Because it's not science's job to prove a god exists. Nor is it the scientific community's obligation. Nor does it fall to atheists. The ONLY people responsible for proving their god exists are the believers who cling so desperately to its fairytail because they can't fathom not living forever.

Now for all we know, something we would define as a god may very well exist. The problem is that once theists hear that, unless they're deists, they AUTOMATICALLY shove their god into that possibility. In their minds, that's good enough. In reality, if there is a deity, it's very likely beyond our ability to comprehend. We would barely be able to understand how it exists, let alone how it feels about homosexuals, or abortion, or any of the other billion things stupid fundies drag their sky pixie into.
2017-01-15 09:12:35 UTC
Science Proves God
2016-10-04 12:46:16 UTC
Science doesn't disprove or prove anything. Science doesn't work like that. Science gains tons and tons of evidence for a hypothesis to be either rejected or accepted and may advance to a theory. The thing with God is there is no evidence of one therefore you can't see he's real. But science doesn't disprove God because that's not what science is about.
2016-10-05 09:10:17 UTC
No, while it's true that it can't be forced to believe that a god created people. Science can't be believed to dismiss a god - they are just hypocritical statements that human made up for a senseless conflict - like air and water, when there should never have been an "or" between. Simply put, Science is being idolized in place of a god. It's all done subconsciously.

But really though, there are more important things to worry about for now.
2016-10-04 08:01:09 UTC
God does exist. scientists say that one day the earth is going to be destroyed, well God in the bible says that to. See scientists a long time think they found out about something called ''the big bang theorie'' but over time they found evidence that supports that God is real, they don't share it with the world because they are scared or something. God is real and i hope you believe that. Just think, Evolusionists believe everything happened over a certain time period, so it took like 700 billion years or somethng. Well if everything evolved slowly over time then how did the termite come to earth? Yes the termite, the termite can't digest wood so he has a little parasite that eats the wood for him, if everything evolved slowly then which came first? the termite or the parasite? well the parasite can't ever live outside of the termite and the termite can't live without the parasite. So if god created the earth then the termite and its parasite was created at the same time. See nothing could just evolve over time it would be like having a kid and then more and more until they all start dying away. GOD is the one and only. If you ever feel like coming to church to learn more go to NTF (new testament fellowship) its the church i go to and every other wenseday a speaker comes and talks about this subject. So it wouldn't be this wenesday but the next. I hope you find the right church!
2016-10-04 01:32:07 UTC
Modern science doesn't really prove that God doesn't exist.

They are different theories on how this world started. Evolution and Creation are theories.

I believe in God, because of personal experiences and i believe we came from something rather than an accident. Evolution could be true, but it doesn't reject the idea of a God. Think of the atmosphere, volume, tuning and how things are formed, that we can see clearly in the Universe.
2016-10-04 12:48:36 UTC
In the metaphorical sense, there could exist a being with characteristics of [your definition of God here] if there is no evidence directly contradicting it.

Science is built on using concrete evidence proving and disproving established theory to further man's explanation of the world. Currently, there are still many unanswered questions, such as abiogenesis (the creation and self-assembly of life from molecules), what occurs after death, what is inside elementary particles, and what is beyond our universe, if anything. Regarding postulates of some of these questions, there is limited evidence, but an external, God-like being could also very well answer these questions. It's just that there is none, if not very little, evidence to support this specific postulate.

For sake of perspective, I am an agnostic, science researcher hopeful. Maybe I'll become deist.
poornakumar b
2016-10-05 12:48:36 UTC
Let's say that Modern Science doesn't concern about the existence of God.
2016-10-02 13:27:19 UTC
No, modern science or science of any vintage does not prove that gods do not exist. There are two flaws in this claim. The first one is that in science we never claim to prove anything. The other one is that it would be impossible to prove that something does not exist.

We can be certain that no gods exist for a number of reasons. If any god existed there should be some evidence of that god's existence. There is no such evidence which gives us confidence there are no gods. As well as this direct lack of evidence there is indirect evidence that no gods exist. If a god existed all humans would know of that god, they would know how to worship that god and make propitiations to her/him/it and they would know what, if any, consequences there were for not doing so. Instead we have a situation where there are thousands of gods that exist now. There have been gods that died with the civilisations that worshipped them which is rather unusual for immortal supernatural beings. Even when people worship the same god they fail to agree on how to worship that god and to be able to tell us the punishments for non-belief.

What science has done and continues to do is to rid us of the god of the gaps argument. Science has constantly removed innumerable claims of "god did it" because science has been able to show what really happened. We know the universe was not specially created by any god. We know that live came in to existence and was not specially created by any god. We know that humans have evolved from an ancestral species and were not specially created by any god. The Sun, we now know, does not orbit the Earth. It is the other way around. Microorganisms ("germs") are a major cause of disease, not punishments from a capricious god. Floods, drought, famine, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, etc. all have scientific explanations. Making sacrificies to godswill not prevent them. As science continues to progress the remainder of the god of the gaps arguments will be closed. Soon religion will have nowhere to hide.
2016-10-04 21:34:57 UTC
No, not at all. Quantum science shows that there is some universal force or energy (in fact, it says there is only energy and information) that is the root of all things. Quantum physicist Dr. Amit Goswami says that "consciousness is the ground of all being" and "the Universe is self-aware through us."

Quantum nonlocality shows us that things are everywhere at once until we focus on them. It is only when observed that they take a specific form in a specific location. And we know that observing any phenomenon changes it.

Now, who or what would be the Ultimate Energy, the Ultimate Observer? Wouldn't that Ultimate Observer be responsible for everything in the Universe being what it is, where it is? What do you call that, if not God?

There are MANY variables such as Planck's Constant that had to fall into incredibly minuscule windows for life as we know it to exist. The probability that all of them would do so randomly is so minimal as to be effectively, practically zero. This would tend to indicate that something wanted it that way. Again, what is that something, if not God?

Is ther a Big Man in the Sky with a long beard? Probably not. Is there a God? Most assuredly.

"I thank the God that is that the God they told me about isn't." -- Ernest Holmes
2016-10-06 17:45:06 UTC
This makes no sense. Do you really think God is something that science can even begin to understand? Science probably thinks God doesn't exist because it's the simplest answer science can give for God
2016-10-06 11:24:43 UTC
It doesn't matter what science we have. Christians will always come up with another excuse. When we invented planes and went up to the clouds, we didn't find any God. Christians ended up saying he's a being you can't see, smell, hear or touch, but he's still there, the "magic unicorn argument" as I like to call it. The belief in god is in the mind; it's something you believe in, not something you can prove through logical and scientific means.
2016-10-02 19:18:04 UTC
Modern Science does a lot to prove the false statements and contentions of past prophets and so called man-gods. However I still believe there are supernatural entities, such as ghost (for lack of a better term) that seem to have some sort of influence. If you have ever messed around with a Ouiji board you would know that something is out there. But the belief in Jesus being the savior if far fetched with all the information available in the world. So belief in God? It is possible but it is also just an unknown that no one can assume how the hierarchy goes.
2016-10-07 21:03:17 UTC
Modern Science can NOT prove something does NOT exist.

That being said, without Circular Logic, a deist can not prove their particular deity exists either.

So, when it comes to God (any god), neither side can prove or disprove it. That is why it's called FAITH. Belief in the absence of evidence one way or the other.

Besides, there are more Believers among the ranks of Scientists than un-Believers...simply because there are hundreds of religions out there. (If not more.)
2016-10-04 22:50:43 UTC
Science has nothing to do with God. Modern Science neither proves nor disproves God. Science depends on experiments. You can't experiment something that is just hypothetical. If this is considered as disproving God's existence, okay.
Not Applicable
2016-10-02 17:22:34 UTC
Modern science doesn't really say one way or the other. When anyone says God, they need to have a very clear definition--therein is part of the problem. Is it the Abrahamic God of the Middle East, is it a deistic God, it is one Divinity with multiple incarnations (then you have to define an incarnation), or are there multiple gods/goddesses, is it a God comparable to the Kabbalistic traditions in which Divinity starts at an unknowable macro level then descends to our current plane of existence and finally are there smarter beings who may appear as gods, but are not the full measure of "God".

Just sorting out the problem would be an enormous task. Might be fun, however:)
2016-10-02 10:25:47 UTC
Just the opposite. With every day that passes more and more scientists are realizing the truth of Scripture.

The skeletons of the giants of old, written of in the Holy Bible, are being written about everyday now. Underwater pyramids and huge cyclopean rocks (yes, Greeks say Cyclop rocks) because they are so enormous no modern day man could set them. There are two True Legends videos that help one understand the Holy Bible and what Genesis 6 is speaking of about the giants before the flood of Noah and after. Even David battled one called Goliath. The whole world speaks of Big Foot, The Abominable Snowman, the Yetti and many others throughout the world. These are the offspring of fallen angels and human women. Jesus said that before He returns it will be as it was in the days of Noah. The sons of God are known also as angels. Those mighty men of old; those men of renown like Zeus, Hercules, Cyclops, etc. were the products of angel and human DNA or mixed genetics. So were the half man/half animal creatures as engraved into rocks.

Modern Science takes what exists and tries to determine how it came about. CERN spending 4 billion dollars to build a machine searching for the God particle. Jesuit Catholics building the largest telescope on Mt. Graham known to be a stargate searching for what. I guarantee you that these projects are not for modern science to prove evolution. These people cannot believe in evolution. These people are trying to open portals as did Nimrod when he built the Tower of Babel. These people know the truth of the Word of God, the Holy Bible, but they use it for their benefit and against the people of God.

The God of the Holy Bible tells us that all that has been hidden will be exposed or brought to the light. People on this earth have not seen anything yet. Time is speeding up. Mankind is not keeping up with the innovations coming at him from technology or the furies coming at him from nature because the sea and the waves will roar. Between ocean discoveries and archaeologists' discoveries the Bible is coming to life.

Not only DOES GOD EXIST, but He is who He says He is and He can do what He says He can do. No one knows this better than Lucifer, the old serpent and devil, Satan.
2016-10-03 02:57:12 UTC

Life has neither meaning nor purpose except merely "being" and to live consciously in the awareness of that reality.....

Mother earth gave birth to us.Father Sun give light to see the beauty of our mother.

And You and Me created some stories.Hmm. It is about Competition. This is my entry, the TRUTH.Just close your eyes.

You will see a black background, that is the beginning and there are red balls passing around, those are the heat and become the stars.

If holy spirit is in you, You will see it. Heat is the beginning and the end. Where heat come from?

It come from energy. God = negative and positive. Positive alone can not create power, without power no energy, without energy no heat, without heat no life.

Life on earth is only story so is the universe. It is also easy to predict the future,

it will be hotter and hotter and more disaster to come more unpredictable weathers it will be more difficult to control

the food supply because of drought and there will be a big war.

We are going to be place on test by our Father because you let Jesus suffer more. Who is Jesus? It is You. You alone is God.

Please create an advance story and move your ***, if you want to solve the problem. Anyway the end of the universe will be white !00%, everyone is going to see it.

*God created the universe by word and so the stories.Heat from the head and heat from the heart. That is what really matter most.

The question is this, are we 1 or 0? (^-^) Note: Big Bang, string, finger print,dark matter, wave and vibration effect theory will not occur without Heat.

In every story there is beginning and an end, right and wrong play a big roll on it.

some will tell you story like this one, and not bad at all:

These are the same idiots that think evolution is a fact. Prove that is a fact 1st and ill take them more seriously. If evolution was real then there would be all levels or evolved creatures running around.. I don't know about you, but, I haven't seen any super hairy people running around with tails and gills. It is ridiculous. Certain species may evolve within a certain species but a fish does not become a dog. Teaching our kids that they were once single celled organisms that UN-miraculously transformed into a human is shameful as anyone can see the miraculous in all life every day.. Science cannot explain miracles they can only explain how the miraculous now works.

The also have stupid theories about life being transported to earth from asteroids lmao.. The can not grasp that all things they have found on asteroids are already here. Avoiding the fact that all necessary aspects for life from position, composition, mass, etc. are perfect on earth and that "God " doesn't need to bring an asteroid that didn't become a planet to spawn life here.

These are the same morons that say all human existence started in Africa and slowly over time migrated here and there. Same kind of thinking that refuses to even contemplate the idea that the Native Americans were not created , like all the rest. They are obviously their own race of people unlike any in the whole earth and didnt migrate through Alaska or by long ships. lol All of the different races were created where they are found. Africans did not migrate to the middle east and beyond and loose their blackness haha.

People can not put any "faith" in the ideas of men. I, for sure, put my faith in the truth which is from above and let wisdom fall where it will. What kind of fool would not see how simply unrealistic these continuing proposals are.
A Second Witness
2016-10-02 19:08:37 UTC
Modern science only proves that a popular, unbiblical cult doctrine is false, not whether God exists. "Proof" that God doesn't exist would require a fallacy, such as an Argument from Ignorance.

According to Genesis 1, God first created the heaven and the earth, and only then did the "days" of Genesis 1 begin:

"King James Bible

The Beginning

(John 1:1-5)

1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

The First Day: Light

3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." - Genesis 1 (KJV)

Since the Bible never tells us how long "The Beginning" took, Astrophysics and Geophysics are welcome to tell us how old the universe and the earth are. Meanwhile, there is no excuse for cult leaders to make up nonsense, and blame it on the Bible, setting up Straw Man fallacies for Antitheists poke holes through.
2016-10-03 11:14:47 UTC
Science has not proven (or disproven) the existence of God.

It's like saying in the year 1900 that "science has proven that there is nothing further to be learned about the structure of the atom" (Which was the general belief at the time but erroneously assumed that science was perfect and our methods of analysis could be no better - and history shows that that is highly unlikely)

We don't know the true extent or limit of what there is to know - to assume we do would be arrogance. So how can we possibly say if God exists or not ???

Think about it.
2016-10-05 17:25:04 UTC
Science is indeed a great way for us to find logic in our world, it gives us understanding but as the first chapter in my science book said, facts are only facts till proven wrong, years ago it was stated that if you stand on the highest building and leave an object at its edge that object will fall, today we have helium balloons and know it's not true, at any time we might descover the things we are convinced are realty will lose all its worth but we won't realise it as we'l be left with something new to believe.

Yes science is amazing, but sometimes people claim things, possabilatys theory's in the name of science that they can't prove and that is where we should be objective and have the insight to know it isn't facts.

Fath however can be directed to believing where there is no fact it is hard do, not all are capable of it.

with a lot of resurch I have concluded to believe in some things by fath, some by science but mostly by relationship with the one who created all
Chef davide
2016-10-05 01:15:23 UTC
Anyone with a half a brain understands that 'God' is something that we humans created. Alas 95% of the population pray to a God. Coincidently 95% of the population have an I.Q below 120.Many people are in the 'idiotic' range of thought as well. I wonder, if that's "Gods" doing? The job of science is to " prove" things via a theory or in fact. It can't provide evidence about something which does not exist. And why look at science to "prove" such matters. Ask the leaders of such religions to provide proof of what they preach is indeed valid. People still following primitive ideals remain primitive.It's that simple. I'm not even an atheist, as I refuse to acknowledge that I need to be 'named' accordingly all because I do not believe in such nonsense. Never argue with idiots , they will always drag the argument down to their level. I believe in my fellow human beings as being capable to serve more good than evil. I believe in the goodness of all people. Perhaps if we all did the same, at the same time-and forget about "Gods" the world would indeed be an amazing place to live in and-to die in.
Alan H
2016-10-02 12:14:57 UTC
Of course not. Thst stupid idea has been peddled on and off for well over 200 years

Very simple logic demands that there can be no proof either way, scientific or otherwise

To disprove God, one needs to know everything.

A god that was within the grasp of a finite mind would, plainly, not be God

However many top scientists have always been believers.

I a, old enough to remember when the Seculsr argument against theists was the belief in a beginning. "There cannot have been a beginning to time; it is only feeble theistic minds that imagine that"

Then came the Big Bang theory (promulgated by a Christian) and now most secular scientists say that there WAS a beginning, in common with theists who have believed that for well over 2000 years.
2016-10-04 10:34:26 UTC
I personally do not support the proposition of a God. But I do not agree that sciece has proved the non existance of God, surely, scienec can only prove existance, it's just that science has not yet found God. Your question is framed to provoke a response, ok Troll.
2016-10-03 17:05:54 UTC
Science can not prove God doesn't exist.
Keith J
2016-10-02 11:14:21 UTC
Modern Science has been corrupted by people calling made-up stories and some theories as fact when they are not. For example, evolution..


To put things in perspective, look at the issue of population. In 1804 there were

1 billion people, in 2012 there were 7b, and in 2024 it will be 8b, and in 2048 it

will be 9b. That means it only took 208 yrs for the population to go from 1 to 7


Working forward from the accepted date for Adam & Eve (about 6000 yrs

ago) there should be 2.2 Trillion people. We all know that did not happen.

OK, add in Noah's Ark with about 7+billon lost in flood. From 6 people (Noah's 3 son's and

wives) over 4000 yrs it works out to 7 billion+ today.

These SIMPLE facts are ignored by evolutionist, they want us to believe that our ancestors have been around

for one million years.
2016-10-04 06:13:11 UTC
Maybe you refer to recent PSEUDOSCIENCE and if so,

yes, it is working for that last 500 years to remove God.

But very recently, many good practical scientists have been

showing us that all of those 'pseudoscientists' were based

on THEIR religion

eg. Copernicus was a Sun worshipper and thought it NICE if the earth went around the sun...

and with no proof at all, it was taught.

There's a very big difference between mathematical proofs,

which can be drawn but which are not true....and

valid, repeatable, scientific proofs.

Modern science shows that God exists.

DNA, human genome project, entire world of insects.
2016-10-02 23:27:39 UTC
The US National Academy of Sciences said, "Science is a way of knowing about the natural world. It is limited to explaining the natural world through natural causes. Science can say nothing about the supernatural. Whether God exists or not is a question about which science is neutral."

Science is NEUTRAL on that subject. Only prejudiced people try to use science for a purpose it is unqualified and unequipped to deal with. They are making the claim that, given time, science will explain everything about how the universe came to be. Well, that is simply the atheist’s version of 'the God of the gaps'. They have invented the ‘future science of the gaps’ – same gaps, different deity. It’s what philosopher of science Karl Popper called ‘promissory materialism’. And what atheists no doubt consider to be their ‘fail safe' clause.
2016-10-03 06:06:40 UTC
No. Modern Science has not proved God don't exist.
2016-10-04 17:22:15 UTC
No - but it certainly disproves most of the stories and theories behind modern organized religions.

God might exist, but it seems very unlikely that he/she created the entire universe 6000 years ago with all of that evidence of things older, in some case millions of years older (to pick on the Judeo-Christian view of the world).

At this point, we can't prove that God exist or that he/she doesn't exist. All we can do is prove or disprove lots of the things that religions associate with God.
Your Word is a light to my roadway
2016-10-03 13:16:36 UTC
It's not possible to disprove a being that doesn't exist in our realm. People just blowing off steam about something they just don't believe in. Nonsense. God exists and soon enough all will find out, some to their dismay, that he will fulfill all of his word as promised. Just because they want with all their heart for God not to exist doesn't mean that it is so. There is enough evidence to know that he does, they just refuse to see it and believe. It doesn't fit with their agenda.
2016-10-06 17:55:19 UTC
Most science is only theory. I've been told mutable times that there is no concrete proof that God does or doesn't exist. I like to see some sources to what your talking about of curiosity.
2016-10-02 15:20:41 UTC
I don't think that science is trying to disprove god at all. science deals is fact and provable facts. Just because one believes in a god does not make it true. since there is no credible way of proving god it will always come down to faith. Of course faith is the belief in something without evidence. If you had real undeniable evidence you wouldn't need faith. The bible is always quoted and is the benchmark of all who believe in the christian god yet there are many other gods and writings all over the world from ancient times from many tribes of people around the world with writings that depict sky people and of people who were not of this earth. many of those writings long before the time of the bible. oh and if you really think that the world is only 6000 years old then you also must believe the world is flat! Sorry folks. the bible was written when people did not understand the world we live in and described things in a way that made sense to them at that time.
2016-10-03 12:19:23 UTC
Modern science replaces the need for God, but doesn't prove he doesn't exist.
2016-10-05 02:59:35 UTC
In actuality modern scientist actually helps prove that God exists with all the discoveries that man is making even renowned scientists and atheists have drew the conclusion that life could not simply have happened that they have to be a master designer

When you read their papers and being open minded some have concluded that creation of life not evolvement of life has to be more complex than we even can imagine and the deeper that they look the conclusion that they draw only support with the Bible have always said that is through God all things are created
2016-10-03 08:15:45 UTC
Science Explains Creation
2016-10-03 16:06:24 UTC
Can you explain how science managed to prove that what Atheist believe doesn't exist actually doesn't exist?
2016-10-06 20:16:03 UTC
'Modern Science' has better things to do than prove God exists or does not exist!
2016-10-04 08:21:38 UTC
If modern Science did say that in the past. It is not held true today. Since quantum physics is looking for a god particle. So the divine, source, nature, infinite or god. Is being looked for. Even if they say they don't believe in it. Only because they have not seen it. They have no evidence that it does not exist. You an I being here, at this moment in time and space is not proof enough for them. Even Albert Einstein came to believe in a god in the later years of his life.
2016-10-04 10:39:39 UTC
I most certainly do NOT agree. Example: Science supports that the Earth was created through the big bang theory. But, if we truly did all come from a tiny orb of energy which isn't impossible, then who exactly put that orb there? Where did it come from? The universe is designed perfectly and so uniformly and we are pretty much an ecosystem, so tell me, how does all of this perfect organization come from a little tiny ball of energy, that was put there "mysteriously"? Somebody had to put it there, and God did, and he organized our universe. Science can't "spark" existence, but God can.
2016-10-04 10:34:54 UTC
Nope. Science possesses a system of procedures and tools rooted in statistical validation. Such tools can't be used to prove or disprove something that allegedly exists outside of the physical realms of the universe. You certainly can prove that Quantum vacuum fluctuation exists making it possible for a universe to spontaneously generate albeit at low probability. But you can't prove that God caused, or god didn't cause it. And in my opinion when something falls outside the realm of your particular field, you don't bring it into said field.
2016-10-03 04:02:03 UTC
Honest scientists at first must accept that spirits exist. They are with me talking all the time since year 1950. Many things were/are going on this world until this date. I didn't talk about this until year 1983 because I was unable to hear their voices inside my head while the whole world was hearing (I guess) their voices inside their heads. No one had told me about this phenomenon to me even after the year 1983. When I have asked questions even the people who are very close to me did not reply satisfactorily.

I guess hundreds of Indian films were depicting often something indirectly about me and my situation though they have mentioned that the story is fiction. I guess even Hollywood movies have done this. Now the point is you never say that God doesn't exist. I am not God but I believe that I am the living evidence for the existence of God.
2016-10-03 13:58:23 UTC
I agree, that true Science prove that God exist's.
2016-10-03 06:04:17 UTC
Depends on the definition of this 'God'. There are many arguments that refute most definitions of 'God', including the other definitions (after all, they can't ALL be correct). It refutes a literal Genesis, for example.

What modern science does tell us is that everything around us looks like it was not created, that everything comes from natural processes, so is strong evidence against any gods (especially perfect ones). For example, an ancient, dangerous, enormous universe is what we would expect of a natural cause (after all, a god could design any universe it wanted).

Modern science does not preclude the existence of some god of some description (not that I believe any gods actually exist).
2016-10-04 22:08:44 UTC
So people would rather believe in God with all of his "making a woman out of a man's rib" and crap rather than over millions of years things have changed and evolved to suit climates and locations etc?!

Believing in God is fuc king stupid!! Especially when someone says "Thank God" or "let's pray for _____" when they're in hospital because that has nothing to do with some magic man in the sky, science saved that person not God! It's basically a kick in face for doctors and nurses.
2016-10-06 23:45:17 UTC
No they haven't proven God doesn't exist. To prove the existence of God would require us to understand the complexities of consciousness which we have very little understanding on. It would also require us to understand death, and what happens to consciousness when a person dies - which we have no clue about.

Secondly many scientists do feel that there is some sort of "God"
2016-10-05 18:27:49 UTC
Proof is the burden of the believer. You can't disprove God. It's up to believers to show evidence other than a book that's been rewritten and edited over 2000 years. If a scientist tried to prove or disprove anything from one source and without rigorous protocol of observations and experiments he would be completely dismissed and dismantled by his entire community.
2016-10-04 03:17:49 UTC
Sorry to disappoint you however science can't prove or disprove such a subject. Regardless if you believe it or don't. It's a subject based in belief in the non physical aspect of life and reality. There fore it's a subject science can't truly touch.
2016-10-03 19:48:48 UTC
Modern science proves how the universe works.

People want you to think that modern science proves that God does not exist.
2016-10-04 11:28:07 UTC
Science can prove that God doesn't exist but they can't find a cure for cancer and all other types of diseases. UMM okay
Omid Omidvar
2016-10-03 13:52:03 UTC
My dearest one.No science or scientists can prove that God exits or not!!As many as humans existed up to now,in their numbers God exits in their hearts explicitly and implicitly!,Mere claiming that God doesn't exist depends on psychological sociological atmosphere attitudes of one in such environmental conditions and people's actions and reactions living there!!!Simply speaking,we are ourselves the ones that makes a person saying God exits or not!!And existence of so many gods running societies by cruelest means make the people compare the true God with these outlaws lawbreaking lawscaping criminal insane gods++++other logical reasons also considered science...My dearest.Existence of you and me are the greatest reasons for God,s existence!!No!?Thanks friend...My border limits!!!Omid46....Justice Rights....
2016-10-02 12:25:22 UTC
Whilst I agree that science doesn't just go about trying to prove religion wrong, it has done so, and the evidence is overhwelming for scientific and logic based explanations that it is practically fact.
spot a
2016-10-04 06:46:59 UTC
I do not agree. Modern science proves the earth is about 4.5 billion years old but that does not deny the existence of God. It just points out discrepancies in the bible which is mostly a chronological record of the Jewish race Gods "chosen" people God hates everyone else and sent plagues to kill m
2016-10-02 10:41:30 UTC
I wholeheartedly believe and agree that modern science proves, God does exist! Also modern science supports, that, their is definitely a Grand Creator!

Just as (Hebrews 3:4) States: Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.

And (Romans 1:20) States: For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.

(Revelation 4:11) “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.”
2016-10-03 09:22:09 UTC
Depends on which science your speak?

Law of Science - Life can only come from life, so the whole origins myth created in Darwin is false. Really leaves only one alternative.

But then it depends on if your statement is for ' real scientists' or just those with the title but have their agenda to put forth? Today, especially in the West its about the research dollar. Scientific studies support what the government research dollars want them to find. Period.
2016-10-03 11:09:21 UTC
No. Modern science has left its principals, it no longer is "sound theory based on observation." It has evolved into "wild theory based on preconception"; or "one lie leads to another". An example is the theory of evolution. At the Wistar conference, a gathering of world renowned biologists and mathematicians, one question was put forth, "Can mutations with natural selection serve as the basis for evolutionary change?" The mathematicians shot it down saying, "No!" The formula involved time available (5 billion years or 10 to the 18th power in seconds of time), and the space available (known universe is 10 to the 80th power atoms) as well as frequency of coupled mutations and other information. The mathematical answer to the odds of a horse evolving from a single celled creature was 1 in 10 to the 3 millionth power; or a polite way of saying impossible. So, scientists with an agenda decided to slant the numbers. How? Increase space available to infinite. Infinite parallel universes made the theory of evolution possible (except this is another unprovable lie!

So, not even considering God the creator, science has failed.
2016-10-02 19:54:05 UTC
No. There can be no "proof" for or against the existence of God. However scientific evidence DOES more strongly indicate that God does exist. Even atheistic scientists acknowledge that the universe appears to be finely tuned to allow for life. They have no scientific explanation for this and thus rely on talking about the unscientific concept of the multiverse and alternate dimensions. But they fail to realize that even this is acknowledging the existence of what is completely unknowable to man. In other words, the "supernatural".

Other recent scientific studies and research have uncovered many other things that can be seen as evidence for the existence of the divine. I do not hide my questions or answers so if you take a stroll through them you will see numerous scientific discoveries and comments from scientists that acknowledge this.
2016-10-05 11:10:58 UTC
no. Science and G-d are not opposites. G-d creates science. G-d makes things happen in a way that we think it's natural, but really everything is a miracle - from a baby being born to a blade of grass swaying in the wind.
Certified Jewish Geek
2016-10-03 00:33:38 UTC
No. Anybody who's ever taken Logic 101 knows that while you can prove something DOES exist, you can't prove that something DOESN'T exist.
2016-10-02 21:57:19 UTC
Modern Science does just the opposite, It has proved the existence of a Creator.
2016-10-03 00:16:53 UTC
No, indeed I do not agree that "science proves that God doesn't exist, because if you think about it, what was it that CREATED LIFE in the first place. My science teacher told me that the first organisms were was bacteria, but what created the bacteria.
2016-10-02 14:12:42 UTC
It is true to admire science for its many accomplishments in medicine, engineering, communication, and other disciplines. But is science always synonymous with absolute truth? Down through history scientific discoveries have had their vigorous opponents and are now areas of conflict. Past deceit and corruption by some scientific advances are called into question and their activities have come to the light. Monstrous experiments on humans have been exposed. And many medicines have damaged people instead of cure them. Scientists have lied in order to get live people as guinea pigs causing much misery for people. So can we honestly say that science can be trusted?

From the beginning God told man how he was created and how he created the earth - Genesis Chapters 1 and 2. God made man caretaker of the earth and showed him how to care for it. (Genesis 2:4-6, 7-9, 15) Through God's sanitary and dietary laws, as well as the regulations on sexual morality, they were provided with safeguards against disease and depravity. (Leviticus chaps 11-15, 18) Once man paid attention to God's Word they learned how to guard against disease. Also, man learned how to care for new born baby boys and circumcision, vitamin k. (Leviticus 12:2,3 ) God even talks about the universe. (Isaiah 40:22; Job 37:18) There is much more knowledge about man and the earth in the Bible, God's book of knowledge he sent to mankind.

What science has done is to prove God does exist and that he is creator of whats wonderful and complete. Science is discovering God's power through creation. (Revelation 4:11)

Isaiah 40:13, 14 "Who has taken the measurements of the spirit of Jehovah, And who can instruct him as his adviser? 14 With whom did he consult to gain understanding, Or who teaches him in the path of justice, Or teaches him knowledge, Or shows him the way of true understanding?"
2016-10-02 17:46:52 UTC
Modern Science neither proves nor disproves the existence of (a) god(s). Science explains how things in the world work and why. Not necessarily disproving any deity or proving it.
Doug Freyburger
2016-10-04 09:36:27 UTC
Only in the sense where the word gets capitalized into one specific meaning. Science is silent on the existence of deities in general and can only disprove specific ones that subject themselves to proof. The capitalized one of the JCI family doesn't even do that for all members of the family.
2016-10-05 09:00:57 UTC
God's existence doesn't matter about the scientist research. Just think about you own existence then the answer will be for you.
2016-10-05 02:24:25 UTC
God exist only in the minds of people not fully attuned to modern science and not everybody understands science. God and modern science are two different fields which are dimensionally separate.
2016-10-04 07:43:49 UTC
depends what you regard as "proof"

according to the scientific laws we have - yes

(for a "god" to exist and have created the universe etc it MUST have violated some of these laws

(those often repeated by theists - 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics - being 2 of them)

to prove a "god" does exist then you MUST prove these laws are wrong

to date NOBODY has proved these laws wrong

Until they do then the laws hold true as proof a "god" dont exist

but even proving them wrong by itself does NOT prove a god DOES exist -it would only show one COULD exist)

can I prove these laws will NEVER be proved wrong? - no I cant

And even if they are how do I know somebody wont come along later and prove the "proof they are wrong" is wrong (that is - they are in fact correct)

So are our current laws "proof" or not?

(Most people use newtons laws of gravity to calculate the forces between 2 bodies

But they are WRONG , and can be proved to be wrong - ANYBODY with a basic knowledge of relativity could easily prove it)

(Do get a grip "marie and alan"

proof is in the evidence -you do not need to know "everything"

YOU are starting with an assumption a "god" exists and then ascribing attributes to it where you have no evidence it either exists or has these attributes

that is - your "logic" is just based on a series of assumptions when you have no evidence these assumptions are valid

If you knew the 1st thing about science you would know how illogical this is

second thing

people can "believe" many things - it dont prove what they believe is correct, no matter how many believe the same thing
2016-10-02 13:46:10 UTC
Modern science proves that god does not exist < bit flawed , we do not Disprove things we CONFIRM things with Evidence we do not generally DISPROVE we can REFUTE or invalidate claims with contrary evidence as in CAUSALITY for things THEIST claim is caused by gods or even their associated assertions of demons

like Diseases epilepsy age of the earth fossils DNA Positive confirmation of natural phenomena

the dictionary does give us a foundation related to gods

the word CONCEPT an IDEA or NOTION a product of human Thought .

.... That which is NOT CONFIRMED , is by definition a CONCEPT an assertion a product of humans asserting an IDEA ...

..Here is the Test ASK any Theist about GOD the FIRST thing they will do is OPEN their MOUTH and ASSERT IT ,

Got any gods INDEPENDENT of human assertion ? as in independent SELF evident gods ? No

. EXIST that which PERSIST independent of your presence ..

.The word just fade into traveling sound waves and are no more
bambi r
2016-10-05 07:08:39 UTC
Of course, science only proves on every detail in which it doesn't believe in faith. God is different among others and it will never prove unless you have faith
2016-10-02 19:35:40 UTC
Science has buried all but the few religions that exist today, and as ignorance fades, it continues to do so. Science seeks not to prove or disprove the existence of god. Science simply shows priests, pastors and other religious leaders for what they are -- self-deluding frauds.
2016-10-02 09:11:52 UTC
Modern Science has nothing to say about just so happens that the findings of modern science just contradicts a book about God written by bronze age sheep shaggers.
Taintless Metals
2016-10-04 07:24:29 UTC
Science doesnt effect my view of a creator. No matter what we find there will always be a stage prior to that that we dont understand and this is were my god comes into the picture. Science doesnt disprove the existence of a creator, only the mainstream ideals of how this creator interacted to cause/create life.
2016-10-02 21:12:32 UTC
Doesn't seem to have any effect on how people treat eachother.

It would be great if people actually sought to better the world in some way, but most are content to tell others how "right" they are.

So much time wasted
2016-10-03 09:27:45 UTC
I wouldn't say it PROVES God doesn't exist, but it certainly supports that conclusion.
2016-10-04 09:11:41 UTC
I wouldn't say that science proves that God doesn't exist, but I don't believe in god anyways.

I do know people who've bevome atheists from science, but that's not why I decided that he's not real so like idk
2016-10-02 14:48:24 UTC
Science has created life from nothing? That's news to me.
2016-10-03 03:58:02 UTC
Yes I agree.

Charles Darwin life's work destroyed god back in the 1800s
2016-10-04 15:39:04 UTC
modern science proves that god doesnt exist until christians start using modern science to prove that god does exist and then modern scientists will say the form of modern science that they used to use (and that christians now use) turned out to be flawed and unmissable. this has all happened before.
the re - chosen one
2016-10-02 13:54:24 UTC
No. My discovery of the clean and unclean food and hygiene laws established over 3500 years ago in the Book of Leviticus being based all this time on the germ theory of disease and the modern human body and other advanced fields of science unknown to mankind at that time and some fields of science still unknown to mankind today now proves the existence of a Intelligent Designer named Yahweh who knew these fields of science long before mankind learned of them. My discovery also brings to light mankind's misinterpretation of this scripture and giving them the unscientific religious interpretations we still think they mean today due to our lack of scientific knowledge to properly interpret what is written in this ancient Biblical scripture. My discovery now makes the debate over Intelligent Design Theory far from over and in fact just beginning.
2016-10-03 00:34:58 UTC
Of course not. Science, modern or otherwise proves and supports the Bible. First is THE LAW OF BIOGENESIS OR LIKE BEGETS LIKE. And that is referring to CREATION. So there is no truth to EVOLUTION. It is still a THEORY, not a FACT. The question is, Where did we come from or how did mankind came to be? If there is no God, or a Supreme Being who created everything, me and you included, then all is vain. In fact, it says in the Book of Proverbs that ... There is no God, saith the FOOL. Maybe you are one of them.
2016-10-03 13:12:27 UTC
An intelligent person would not just believe this statement on hearsay. Where this so called proof? This do not mean I believe you. But to give notice to those who try to prove something through falsehood.

Ps 14:1 The foolish one says in his heart: “There is no Jehovah.” Their actions are corrupt, and their dealings are detestable; No one is doing good.

2 But Jehovah looks down from heaven on the sons of men To see whether anyone has insight, whether anyone is seeking Jehovah. God do not want belief in him to based on credulity or blind faith. He wants us to be able to reason on the matter and have insight. This is very important because we are accountable whether we believe in him or not. Hebrews 4:13

13 And there is not a creation that is hidden from his sight,+ but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of the one to whom we must give an account.+
2016-10-02 12:37:10 UTC
Science don't have any chance to prove this, they first to win credibility for me, is make eternal life.

Watch The Twilight Zone.
2016-10-03 20:46:45 UTC
No. It does prove that the Bible, and every religious text and mythology ever created, are false.
2016-10-02 08:44:16 UTC
It's proved that a 'God' is not needed to explain life or the universe
2016-10-07 10:52:33 UTC
They don't know why God is. Essentially he's the underlying reason for mathematics. Scientist can use math and science to tell why somethin is. BUT , well NEVER, be able to tell you why math and science is what it is.
2016-10-04 12:20:25 UTC
Science does not prove anything---pro or con. Science is a game where only observation, experience and experiment are used to explain things in our reality. "Philosophy, tradition , gods and spirits are not allowed the "game". ---I. E, you cant say "Goddidit" as part of a theory for example. It would NOT be "Scientific" as it violates the premise of the game of Science. At the same time you could not Prove or disprove GOD as "god" is not allowed in the game.

We can say pretty much that "God" is NOT "an old man on a cloud"----But that is not to say an organized, intelligent "energy force" we might assume to be the equivalent of (a) "God" could not exist---we just haven't got evidence for or against it yet.
2016-10-03 06:52:08 UTC

Modern science has provided a lot of evidence that there must be a God!
2016-10-03 01:57:38 UTC
before the end of time scientists will try their best to prove God doesn't exist but we know He does and they know He wins
2016-10-06 00:19:06 UTC
I like all the butt-hurt christians in the comment section.

I feel neutral, Science is only a concept of theories. I do belive there maybe be something out there, but yet again I don't. The only person who knows the real answer are the dead. Sadly, we cannot contact them because they are incaple of socialisation (because they are dead, lifeless.)
2016-10-02 13:31:16 UTC
Modern science has theories. You can not prove something like that just as you can not prove what you had for breakfast six months ago today.
2016-10-03 19:15:17 UTC
NO, in fact I work in oncology and with all the diagnostic tools available to diagnosis cancer today, we still have cancer with UNKNOWN primary, in other words we know the patient has cancer but we don't know where the primary is, so they take a histology they have and start treating it HOPING that what ever chemo they use will help, and when the family is devastated and the doctor comes in and says, "I don't know what the primary is and I cannot tell you the prognosis, we will try this or that and do what we can, guess who comes in next??????????????????? THE CLERGY FOR SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL SUPPORT!!!!!
2016-10-05 05:49:18 UTC
I know God exists because He sent His Son Jesus Christ to walk with me, I had a bad car accident where I had a brain injury and a man in the spirit that nobody else saw started walking with me and after 10 years I wanted to know who he was so I asked a spiritual director and I found out it was Jesus He is everything He says He is in His Word The Bible. He is the Healer, Comforter, Provider, Savor and a Friend who sticks closer than and living person and I know because He never leaves me and I thank Him so much for dying for me so one day I will see heaven, we just need to believe in Jesus Amen
2016-10-04 16:55:55 UTC
God is the planet Earth and all life on it.

Everything on the planet including the invention of modern science is god. Modern science is god or one part of god. Hard to explain really.
2016-10-02 09:51:43 UTC
The first person to produce a single tiny little piece of verifiable evidence for any god will become world famous and mega rich!

Academia states that in the absence of any sort of evidence of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable evidence is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.
2016-10-04 15:05:50 UTC
how does modern science prove God does not exist? I have never heard any concrete evidence that proves such a statement.
2016-10-04 02:42:17 UTC
It just proves that what I know about God is nothing compared to what Science knows about God.
2016-10-02 09:08:15 UTC
Closing your eyes doesn't prove sight is a myth.
Yellow Canary
2016-10-02 09:15:42 UTC
I have learned that many scientists have stopped believing in evolution because of the complexity of life. The definition of evolution: Organic evolution is the theory (idea) that the first living organism developed from lifeless matter. Scientists have never been able to create life from the ground as the Bible says that God did the first man. Genesis 2:7 "And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul (person)." The only other sources, besides the Bible, where we find anything to do with life itself, comes from man's ideas or theories. We are told: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight," These truths from God to us are found at 2 Timothy 3:16. The first man, Adam, was alone for some time. God therefore caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, took a rib from him, built it into a woman, and brought her to the man. Genesis 2:20-24 Thus, marriage is a divine origin. No where in the Scriptures will you find homosexuality acceptable to God, but it is detestable in his sight. Our most modern translation of the Bible tells us with not a single doubt; "Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God's Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men (and women) who submit to homosexual acts, men (and women) who practice homosexuality, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God's Kingdom." 1Corinthians 6:9 and 10 Can the Bible be any more plain? We received the first law from God himself which was ignored by Adam and Eve. How many laws are in effect today? God has no plans, but he purposes to have perfect righteous people live on and care for the home he has so lovingly given to us, the earth. His purpose will come true. He purposes to have his Kingdom and his King Jesus Christ rule over the entire earth. Daniel 2:44 Revelation 1:4-6 Revelation 12:10 Jesus is now ruling over his followers that are preaching "this good news of the Kingdom in all the inhabited earth" today. Matthew 24:14 Bible prophecy is being fulfilled for these last days as I am convinced and very well aware. See for yourself if you go to the international website, and Bible Teachings > Bible Questions Answered. See how the "good news" has spread to more than 240 countries of over 500 languages at About Us > Activities and About Us > Conventions. Over 9,500,000 individuals have come out of the world to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. You can too. Request your FREE personal Bible study online and even at a time and place convenient for you.
2016-10-02 10:20:06 UTC
Science does not seek to prove or disprove gods or any other magic creatures. What science does is to prove that the stories in the Bible, such as the Flood, are nonsense. That in turn undermines the whole book.
2016-10-02 14:21:27 UTC
Modern science has yet to prove that black holes, alternative realities, and alien beings from another galaxy exist.
2016-10-02 09:06:54 UTC
No. Science conjectures and those conjectures are corroborated or refuted. Proof pertains to logic and mathematics. Empirical science cannot demonstrate the existence or non-existence of God by its very nature.
2016-10-05 12:53:57 UTC
Im not religious and im a strong believer in science but, nothing is proven. Religion as well as scientific explanations for life are theories and you can speculate on whatever you want because nobody truly knows.
2016-10-02 12:57:11 UTC
I challenge you to find one peer reviewed scientific paper the proves God does not exist.

Science can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God beyond all doubt

Scientific data comes from observation of the physical universe. Anything beyond observation is beyond science. God is beyond time and space (the universe) and therefore beyond natural science.

That said, logic and science together can prove the existence of God but only beyond a reasonable doubt. Ultimately belief in God is a matter of faith.

++ First Cause ++

Newton's Third Law of Motion states "For every action there is equal and opposite reaction." Every action in the universe was caused by a prior equal and opposite reaction.

If we logically follow each and every action and reaction back to the beginning then logically there has to be a first action without a prior equal and opposite reaction. Modern astrophysicists call this event the Big Bang.

This first action was completely independent of outside forces. This action was the un-caused cause creating the universe, a trans-physical being most call God. This proof also fulfills the principle of Occam's Razor.

By the way, it was Georges Lemaître (1894–1966), a Belgian Catholic priest and professor of physics and astronomy, who proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe.

++ Fine Tuning of the Universe ++

A universe in which life has a chance to exist can only happen in where a couple of dozen universal constants coincide, including:

+ Boltzmann's Constant

+ Cosmic Proton/Photon Ratio

+ Cosmological Constant

+ Electromagnetic Fine-Structure Constant

+ Electron or Proton Unit Charge

+ Gravitational Attraction Constant

+ Gravitational Fine-Structure Constant

+ Hubble Constant

+ Maximum velocity

+ Minimum interval of space

+ Minimum Mass of the Universe

+ Minimum unit of time

+ Permittivity of Free Space

+ Planck's Constant

+ Rest Mass of an Electron

+ Rest Mass of a Proton

+ Strong Nuclear Force Coupling Constant

+ Total Visible Rest Mass

+ Weak Fine-Structure Constant

+ Weak Force Coupling Constant

A couple of percent difference in any one of these constants would make the universe completely uninhabitable. Roger Penrose, a peer of Hawking, calculated that the chance of a universe capable of supporting life as we know it as one part in 10 raised to the power of 10 raised to the power of 123 (this means this fine tuning was mathematically impossible to have happened all by itself).

This fine tuning of the universe, while not an absolute proof of God, can be used to help prove the existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt (which is my claim).


For credible scientific and factually reliable evidence for the existence of God see the Magi's God Wiki: "Why Believe in God?"

I also suggest you read Robert Spitzer's book "New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy"

"If there were no God there would be no atheists."

- G. K. Chesterton, Where All Roads Lead, 1922

With love in Christ.
2016-10-04 22:41:18 UTC
They can't cure cancer. How am I supposed to beleive they know god doesn't exist?
2016-10-04 16:29:07 UTC
No, I don't agree, an all powerful omnipotent presence had to exist in order to bring the Universe into existence because the Universe could not bring itself into existence The spiritual presence that brought the universe into existence, had to, itself be uncaused and continues to maintain the universe it created.
2016-10-04 20:54:46 UTC
"Modern science" cannot even explain the original spark that caused lifeform from inorganic matter on this planet, let alone the creation of the stars and planets of our solar system... therefor, "Modern Science" has NOT proven God does not exist. That is a total lie.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-10-03 04:12:49 UTC
Even as an atheist, I can't agree with that.
2016-10-04 08:50:09 UTC
Modern science are just theories, there were never real proof what scientists believe are true. Same for believing in God, but you need faith :)
2016-10-05 20:46:41 UTC
Modern Science claims that it took many millions of years for humans to evolve. I would probably take many millions of years to prove it.
2016-10-04 08:27:55 UTC
Any reputable scientist will tell you it's impossible to prove a negative hypothesis.
2016-10-09 08:07:13 UTC
No, but sadly Satan uses it to trick people out of God's love. However, as the last Christians, we have to stand strong and prove that God is living and loves us!
2016-10-02 11:46:31 UTC
Why would it want to? I don't think science considers the matter one way or the other. It's not science's job.
Honestly Kill Yourself
2016-10-05 11:32:17 UTC
Boy oh boy did this park some arguments, its simples, religious people are litterally worshipping a god damn book. science is 100% real and there is millions of things that is has disproved about different religions, so anybody thats religious that reads this, just know you waste hours of your life worshipping a god damn book
2016-10-04 19:57:02 UTC
Since it's impossible to prove negative, no.
2016-10-06 03:55:18 UTC
Our Indians are strongly believe in god. Bhagavadgita and ramayan quotes has proof and evidence based on that we can believe about god. Even our scientist like Abdul kalam has agreed for god existence. I strongly believe of god exist.
Linda R
2016-10-08 12:50:37 UTC
Agree. EVERY religion has their own 'Gods' that people believe in no matter what form it is in.
2016-10-03 06:04:52 UTC
No I don't agree
2016-10-04 17:26:19 UTC
No way. How can someone believe that the earth was created by a big bang. It's crazy.
2016-10-03 18:55:44 UTC
No. You can't prove a negative.
2016-10-02 09:29:27 UTC
There are notable scientists who are Jehovah's Witnesses and they don't agree with your statement
2016-10-02 10:17:23 UTC
I'd say it does, or at least comes as close as one can since some definitions of god are unfalsifiable.
2016-10-03 00:21:25 UTC
It doesn't prove that. Where's the proof?
2016-10-02 09:44:00 UTC
No, but, then, I have studied science. When you are old enough, you'll have science classes in school too.
2016-10-02 08:48:20 UTC
Just the opposite! It was the Atheists that LOST in the Supreme Court and GOD WHO WON!

It is every single item that the Atheists had made up after they lost, that were required to be tested and by 2007 Every single item that the Atheists had claimed as "proofs" were scientifically proven to all be Fakes!
2016-10-05 09:10:12 UTC
Disagree. Science only proves how things work.
2016-10-04 21:43:35 UTC
No. God exists. Creation proves it.
2016-10-04 14:01:50 UTC
Athiests are morons just like religious people. Whatever is responsible for the creation of this universe is god. Whatever created the big bang is god.Your mama didnt create all this stuff you see everyday and neither did it come out of yo a-s randomly
2016-10-04 04:58:46 UTC
God exists in humans.
2016-10-02 09:05:15 UTC
Disagree. That's just wishful thinking, science has proven no such thing.
2016-10-04 18:32:09 UTC
Totally agreed I'm not getting in the center of the agreement here,
2016-10-02 09:29:25 UTC
A person can know with certainty God DOES exist by practicing true devotion to the Blessed Virgin.
2016-10-02 08:43:06 UTC
100% agree.

If science is right (it assuredly is) religion can not be.

If there was a god, we would know it, science would have found it, and this discussion would never take place.
Coop 366
2016-10-02 17:28:29 UTC
There is no way for the created to create a science to understand the creator. God created man created science to understand God, when science fails to do it they rewrite it.
2016-10-03 12:43:15 UTC
God exists.
2016-10-02 19:44:58 UTC
Modern science will burn in hell, but Gods light will never go out.
Roberta B
2016-10-02 16:01:46 UTC
No I don't. The reason why is: here is how you prove that God doesn't exist --

Go to every possible existing location in the universe, use every searching instrument possible, invented or uninvented, and acquire the ability to observe and interpret all of the data that you collect, and find nothing.

Then, overcome God's determination that you can't find him in this way, unless he wants you to, and then fail.

Then, give up, just appeal to God in sincerity, and then find him.

How can "modern science" run a test to prove the existence of God?

It cannot. Neither can it run a test that proves, using the scientific method, that God does not exist. The reason for this, from God's standpoint is both clear and fair

The question of whether God exists, ideally, is one which each person must make up in their own mind. If someone should claim that they have a test that, say, disproves the existence of God, then some authority will impose that legally on people and will penalize those who feel differently.

Roman Emperors Constantine and Theodosius tried to do exactly that, and as a result, many people lost their homes, their idol temples were seized and converted into the emperors' version of the worship of God, and a lot of people were imprisoned.

On the other hand, over in Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the leaders tried to impose an atheistic philosophy, and those who disagreed were treated similarly, with lootings, property seizings, and imprisonments. In fact, that particular campaign hasn't completely ended even now.

As one who believes in one Almighty God and his Son and our Savior Jesus Christ, I am compelled to provide reasons to believe in God no matter how the political winds blow where one lives:

It is not possible to prove that God does not exist, not as long as there are super-complex goal oriented things that exist in this universe. The more we are able to observe these things, the stronger the impression that an Intelligence produced it. One can say "I don't see God, so therefore he must not exist." However, everyone sees or is aware of some elements of this universe, even to the air that one breathes.

God is defined as the one who created these things. This one has to be intelligent, because as mentioned before, we see evidence of intelligence in his works. This one has to be living, and outside of time and space, because we currently see the universe as being billions of years old.

Therefore, there is plenty of evidence that he exists. So, the question is, why is it that atheists are not willing to accept the clear evidence of the existence of God our Creator? The reason is that what many atheists call "evidence" is not the same as what makes them atheists. The reason for this is that people will usually accept what is in agreement with their world view, and evidence has no such bias.

This is true of pretty much every philosophical stance, so ultimately, no matter what evidence you or anyone presents, a person must make up their mind and heart.

There is great wisdom in this arrangement, because by our choices we reveal who we are, and that is what a super-intelligent God who gave us free will would want for us to reveal.

People believe in God, or if you prefer, acknowledge the existence of God, because God makes himself known through his works. Also, because just like a house is constructed by someone, the one who constructed all things is God. Thirdly, a real, ultimate Creator, by definition, has to be uncreated, so there must be only one.

The God of the Bible recommends himself to be the Creator because of consistent fulfillment of prophecy. Secondly, every over the last few hundred years, every few months a discovery in science or archaeology is made that corroborates some aspect of the Bible's account. Third, the morality of the Bible's commands about how to live our lives works for everyone - respect for life, respect for others' property, respect for reproductive powers, respect for truth, and most of all, to put God's service in the center of our lives.

God reveals himself in many ways, and those who search for him honestly will find him. He is not just some phenomenon for humans to put under their microscope. He is a whole lot smarter than we are, and has every good reason to see if we can demonstrate our sincerity in wanting to find him.

Again, just because a Creator of the universe cannot be seen does not deny his existence, because we don't see gravity, or the wind, or electricity, but we know that they exist, because we see their effects.

Similarly, when we see lives radically changing for the better because of a new found faith in a Creator, we are seeing the effects of God in their lives. I have seen this many, many times, and no atheist can deny that this happens.

The immoral behavior of many humans is not a reason to deny the existence of a Creator. In fact, all people can choose morality or immorality - fear of punishment would not faze one who chooses to do what is wrong. Even people who believe in torture in a fiery hell (which I do not see in the Bible and therefore reject) can still choose to do immoral things. Even human laws can be circumvented by hiding or by using some form of influence, either political or life threatening.

It is therefore quite logical that the evil of the world will one day be done away with by the power of a just Creator. Love is the strongest force for morality, and God is love. In these things lay the advantage of faith in a living God.
2016-10-05 19:17:26 UTC
How can science prove?Science can able to watch the god?Who can see and say the world?
2016-10-04 10:59:17 UTC
2016-10-04 12:38:08 UTC
Nope I fully believe God is real . I don't think, I know.
Chris M
2016-10-02 18:21:19 UTC
You're a liar
2016-10-03 02:13:07 UTC
On the contrary - science proves that God exists and that we go to the next life after this one.

Jesus the Rabbi - evidence of his existence found.

All We Like Sheep - from Messiah by George F Handel of London

Be with the Good Shepherd
2016-10-04 12:34:10 UTC
Science is nothing god is everything nothing can make the world happen apart from a miricale
2016-10-03 15:02:08 UTC
Problem is that most atheists are not scientists. They get their "science" from People magazine. That is the supreme irony. I am a scientist, and I read the garbage atheists think passes for science.
2016-10-02 08:44:48 UTC
No it doesn' all

If that were the case there wouldn't be any Christian scientists,doctors,science teachers,etc
2016-10-04 13:42:28 UTC
Uh they havent even figured out where man came from how ate they going to know anything else.

They are still promoting a therory as fact.
2016-10-05 04:20:03 UTC
not at all. the existence of idiot liberals proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that god exists and has a well developed sense of humor.
2016-10-03 02:01:24 UTC
what's the point when ancient science so dictates it is created by God.
2016-10-03 08:19:07 UTC
"Modern Science proves that God doesn't exist, do you agree?"

Obviously true. For example when On the Origin of Species was published in 1859 Darwin showed that the development of new species was a natural process. If something that complex does not require a god fairy's magic wand then it's fair to say nothing requires the moronic Magic Man fantasy.
2016-10-02 08:42:28 UTC

You cannot disprove an unfalsifiable concept.

That's why it's unfalsifiable.
2016-10-04 16:51:24 UTC
If god didn't exist then who created us?
2016-10-04 19:26:27 UTC
Science is unable say anything about the supernatural because it isn't empirical, so no.
Little Ms Sunshine
2016-10-06 13:56:33 UTC
Check out movie - What The Bleep Do We Know - might open your eyes!

Not a conspiracy, but a perception problem kinda like the Matrix.
2016-10-02 12:02:55 UTC
No. Look at the heavens getting larger in size every day. Science proved it and the bible mentioned it.
2016-10-05 21:19:14 UTC
God created Modern Science they abuse it & give no credit to the Creator.
2016-10-05 07:05:02 UTC
No, science does not deal with God.
2016-10-03 06:21:41 UTC
Would you bet your life on that? Because that's exactly what you're doing.
2016-10-06 12:51:32 UTC
NO. I am a Born-Again Christian. God is a SPIRIT. HE exists. People who say there is no God do not KNOW God.
2016-10-04 10:12:38 UTC
there is absolutely NO way science proves there is no God, not a chance
2016-10-02 08:44:11 UTC
atheism takes faith, not science

science reveals evidence for God

science wouldn't even be possible if God didn't exist
2016-10-02 15:43:47 UTC
that is fair since many religions have philosophies which content that human people do not exist. how does it feel now that the shoe is on the other foot?

it is entirely possible that even without intellectual understanding that you have intuited the basic premise of christian religion, and that is why you are asking---from self-doubt.
sandy d
2016-10-03 16:36:39 UTC
2016-10-04 12:21:30 UTC
I believe in God
2016-10-02 12:47:47 UTC
No it doesn't.
2016-10-03 07:24:23 UTC
Yes and Totally agreed.
2016-10-02 10:04:51 UTC
'Modern Science' has NOT proven any such thing.
2016-10-04 06:40:20 UTC
Historians say that God did not create human past.
2016-10-05 08:19:20 UTC
I do not agree, Of Course those unbelievers will find out for them selves one day for sure. It take life to make life
2016-10-04 02:57:12 UTC
Of course he does not exist!! Are people really that crazy they think some man created all??? Next the tooth fairy will be real!
2016-10-05 04:59:15 UTC
God does exist but science is right.wear condoms .no anal sex .i beleive in allah iam not arabic but the devil tries to use ways to destroy societies and must play a part to progress society.
2016-10-05 12:30:35 UTC
It is not the purpose of science to disprove ANY supernatural claims be it gods, elves, poltergeists, etc.
2016-10-04 17:50:57 UTC
Just because some BOZO with a long line of degrees said so, does not make it true
2016-10-02 08:41:18 UTC

God is real. He is the one and only true and living God who we get to through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Many scientists are Christians.
2016-10-05 04:44:29 UTC
The fossil evidence makes it difficult to believe the Bible. Yet evolution cannot explain questions like why am I here or what happens after I die.
2016-10-08 09:12:29 UTC
It pretty proofs that the bibilical one is faulse but nit necasarily a higher power supfeme being
2016-10-04 08:35:54 UTC
2016-10-05 03:55:25 UTC

There are people in other stars.

If some of them are far more powerful than us.

They are God to us.
2016-10-02 17:17:32 UTC
liberals have ruined modern science
2016-10-05 01:50:22 UTC
can't it be old science? Galileo pretty much showed it.
2016-10-03 09:31:01 UTC
Not at all, because of this: (Romans 1:20) For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.
2016-10-05 18:27:48 UTC
god does not exist
2016-10-02 21:40:59 UTC
No. That's impossible.

Only those at the height of narcissism think otherwise.
2016-10-02 09:37:44 UTC
LOL, maybe some of them like to think that, all that they have proven is that they make a big mess of everything they touch.
2016-10-02 13:39:40 UTC
No proving a negative is almost impossible and in this case is impossible.
2016-10-02 12:05:18 UTC
God is a manmade concept of hope or leadership. a mental thing.
2016-10-05 15:05:08 UTC
There are things that science can not explain.
2016-10-02 08:44:03 UTC
i disagree ! not being raised in any religion, i came to see an angelic personage and no less than 3 visions of jesus.
2016-10-04 13:09:30 UTC
There has never been a valid scientific test on that matter
2016-10-04 12:38:33 UTC
2016-10-02 13:25:02 UTC
2016-10-02 15:42:11 UTC
actually that (and mathematics) prove that God exists.
2016-10-02 16:55:43 UTC
Jim V
2016-10-02 09:49:15 UTC

How did you come to that conclusion?

(Which is a statement of faith, not science)
2016-10-05 00:25:14 UTC
No, God Exist, and so we are.
2016-10-02 08:44:55 UTC
No. Science deals with the natural, not the supernatural.
Murtaza Moiz
2016-10-04 10:00:25 UTC
Did we that amount of maturity and understanding to enumerate by own?
2016-10-05 07:34:27 UTC
I think it would be best to ask God.
2016-10-02 08:45:49 UTC
Yeah. And my flying pig is named larry.
2016-10-02 17:40:04 UTC
dont trust science
2016-10-03 11:06:27 UTC
2016-10-06 05:40:25 UTC
2016-10-03 03:17:44 UTC
Yes, there is no GOD... if we continue to believe this means we going to live under FEAR, IGNORANCE, POVERTY LIFE, FAILURES, REPRODUCTIVE ISOLATIONS, RACISM, AND SO ON.
2016-10-05 04:26:30 UTC
2016-10-06 18:40:01 UTC
2016-10-03 05:21:59 UTC
then liberals don't want no church and jesus. they all tryna convert us to that damn islam terrorist ****. me my guns my dogs and my 4 inch dick aint down with that.
2016-10-06 14:23:22 UTC
it dosent. the only evidence that god exist is the fact that we cant dismiss it
2016-10-02 08:55:01 UTC
God is real, whether you like it or not.
2016-10-02 18:31:21 UTC
And here I thought it was the other way around!
2016-10-02 16:46:04 UTC
science does not deal with ancient mythology.....
2016-10-02 13:54:42 UTC
NO!--HOW ABOUT THESE IDEAS AS TO HIS EXISTENCE & why do noteworthy ones make these powerful statements as to his true existence & of his sciences?

*** g99 6/22 p. 9 Did It Just Happen, or Was It Created? ***

Famous physicist P.A.M. Dirac, who was a professor of mathematics at the University of Cambridge, concurred: “One could perhaps describe the situation by saying that God is a mathematician of a very high order, and He used very advanced mathematics in constructing the universe

*** w61 12/15 p. 755 Nothing Unscientific in the Bible ***

In his Studies in Creationism, Frank Lewis Marsh, professor of biology, Union College, Lincoln, Nebraska, observes: “As scientists come to a careful study of the Guidebook of the Christian religion, they find that actually no ground exists for any conflict whatsoever between scientific facts and the Christian religion. Although the Bible contains some of the greatest truths, still it is not a scientific treatise. This situation in the Bible is most worthy of careful consideration. If Moses had written down the very best scientific opinion of his day, advancing science would have discovered its inaccuracy long ago. But the scientific facts stated in nonscientific language thousands of years ago are still completely accurate scientifically. That is one of the marvels of the Bible. That Moses, who was ‘learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians,’ and that Daniel, in whom the Babylonians considered that the spirits of the gods of wisdom dwelt, should write into their messages nothing of the accepted doctrines of beginnings of their day places the Bible outside of natural sources. Only those things were stated which evidently were everlastingly true. To the present moment no scientific inaccuracies have been discovered. True science can have no conflict with such a book.”—Pages 206, 207.
2016-10-06 10:07:39 UTC
George Washington
2016-10-03 10:07:07 UTC
stfu infadel imma bout to go allahu akbar on yo ***.
2016-10-04 01:34:10 UTC
I know my own mind
2016-10-02 16:52:19 UTC
No, there is a God, a heaven, & a hell.
2016-10-04 07:39:33 UTC
How are they prove ?
2016-10-03 13:56:06 UTC
No comment.
2016-10-04 19:04:27 UTC
hail ya
Chris Ancor
2016-10-02 15:45:56 UTC
Yes I do.
Alex Overton
2016-10-03 17:11:26 UTC
As a pretty liberal christian, no. I do not agree.
2016-10-03 10:41:14 UTC
2016-10-03 11:52:56 UTC
2016-10-06 11:45:28 UTC
2016-10-02 08:42:24 UTC
2016-10-21 20:55:46 UTC
NO. Mike
2016-10-05 18:12:33 UTC
honestly .. it is a belief... everything involving this subject.. there is proof for both..
2016-10-03 19:48:21 UTC


2016-10-03 09:46:12 UTC
YOU don't exist AR$EHOLE !!!
2016-10-05 20:07:08 UTC
Not at all
2016-10-03 10:04:14 UTC
No, otherwise there would be no argument and everyone would be atheists.
2016-10-02 17:40:26 UTC
I think you are uneducated
2016-10-02 08:45:38 UTC
No, of course not. Are you serious?
2016-10-02 16:41:24 UTC
No, of course not.
2016-10-04 13:17:15 UTC
Why not
2016-10-02 22:09:58 UTC
I think they did
2016-10-05 00:21:50 UTC
2016-10-02 10:51:35 UTC
Not at all.
2016-10-05 03:41:35 UTC
2016-10-04 11:57:06 UTC
2016-10-03 11:37:39 UTC
Silly Baby
2016-10-04 17:09:14 UTC
This is rubbish.
2016-10-04 09:55:41 UTC
hes not real.
2016-10-02 11:52:19 UTC
2016-10-02 08:46:34 UTC
Where is that proof ?
2016-10-03 04:48:44 UTC
No, I disagree.
Slade Cutter Whips Quiet Riot
2016-10-04 10:07:01 UTC
No I do not.
2016-10-04 03:43:02 UTC
shut up you fu*cking n*gger
richard s
2016-10-04 20:21:11 UTC
Scientists at one time said the earth was flat.........................
2016-10-03 07:43:30 UTC
2016-10-05 12:29:49 UTC
You will know soon after your death!!! STUPID QUESTION!!
Brigalow Bloke
2016-10-03 11:51:46 UTC
Special EPhex
2016-10-02 22:44:44 UTC
2016-10-03 11:19:47 UTC
my "GOD" is mother earth.
2016-10-03 02:48:35 UTC
2016-10-04 15:07:40 UTC
No .
2016-10-04 06:47:54 UTC
When did this shxt happen..........................
2016-10-02 20:10:30 UTC
2016-10-03 02:37:16 UTC
2016-10-04 19:39:44 UTC
Carl Sagan proved that decades ago... duh.....?
2016-10-05 02:14:27 UTC
2016-10-03 09:12:01 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.