Can someone tell me science inventions from the 19th, 20th or 21st centuries??
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Can someone tell me science inventions from the 19th, 20th or 21st centuries??
Seven answers:
2007-02-06 16:30:31 UTC
Just think of any invention. There is a good change it was created in the last two hundred years.

TV, radio, cars, movies, rockets, planes, microwave ovens, the light bulb, computers, submarines, etc.
2017-03-09 11:05:47 UTC
2016-12-25 04:51:27 UTC
2016-12-20 21:08:43 UTC
2016-12-04 00:56:37 UTC
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2016-04-21 13:28:18 UTC
From photography and DSLR camera basics right through to advanced techniques used by the professionals, this course will quickly and easily get your photography skills focused! Go here

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2007-02-09 04:48:13 UTC
19th century

1851 Isaac Singer invents a sewing machine.

1852 Jean Bernard Léon Foucault invents a gyroscope.

Henri Giffard builds an airship powered by the first aircraft engine - unsuccessful design.

1853 George Cayley invents a manned glider.

1854 John Tyndall demonstrates the principles of fiber optics.

1855 Isaac Singer patents the sewing machine motor.

Georges Audemars invents rayon.

1856 Louis Pasteur invents pasteurisation.

1857 George Pullman invents the Pullman Sleeping Car for train travel.

1858 Hamilton Smith patents the rotary washing machine.

Jean Lenoir invents an internal combustion engine.

1861 Elisha Otis patents elevator safety brakes, creating a safer elevator.

Pierre Michaux invents a bicycle.

Linus Yale invents the Yale lock or cylinder lock.

1862 Dr. Richard Gatling patents the machine gun.

Alexander Parkes invents the first man-made plastic.

1866 Alfred Nobel invents dynamite.

J. Osterhoudt patents the tin can with a key opener.

Englishmen Robert Whitehead invents a torpedo.

1867 Christopher Scholes invents the first practical and modern typewriter.

1868 George Westinghouse invents air brakes.

Robert Mushet invents tungsten steel.

J P Knight invents traffic lights.

1872 J.S. Risdon patents the metal windmill.

A.M. Ward issues the first mail-order catalog.

1873 Joseph Glidden invents barbed wire.

1874 American, C. Goodyear, Jr. invents the shoe welt stitcher.

1876 Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone.

Nicolaus August Otto invents the first practical four-stroke internal combustion engine.

Melville Bissell patents the carpet sweeper.

1877 Thomas Edison invents the cylinder phonograph or tin foil phonograph.

Eadweard Muybridge invents the first moving pictures.

1878 Sir Joseph Wilson Swan was the first person to invent a practical and longer-lasting electic lightbulb.

1880 The British Perforated Paper Company invents a form of toilet paper.

Englishmen, John Milne invents the modern seismograph.

1881 Alexander Graham Bell invents the first crude metal detector.

David Houston patents the roll film for cameras.

Edward Leveaux patents the automatic player piano.

1884 George Eastman patents paper-strip photographic film.

Frenchmen, H. de Chardonnet invents rayon.

Lewis Edson Waterman invents the first practical fountain pen.

James Ritty invents the first working, mechanical cash register.

Charles Parson patents the steam turbine.

1885 Harim Maxim invents the machine gun.

Karl Benz invents the first practical automobile to be powered by an internal-combustion engine.

Gottlieb Daimler invents the first gas-engined motorcycle.

1886 Josephine Cochrane invents the dishwasher.

Gottlieb Daimler builds the world's first four-wheeled motor vehicle.

John Pemberton invents Coca Cola.

1887 German, Heinrich Hertz invents radar.

Rowell Hodge patents barbed wire.

Emile Berliner invents the gramophone.

F.E. Muller and Adolph Fick invent the first wearable contact lenses.

1888 Marvin Stone patents the spiral winding process to manufacture the first paper drinking straws.

John Boyd Dunlop patents a commercially successful pneumatic tire.

Nikola Tesla invents the AC motor and transformer.

1889 Joshua Pusey invents the matchbook.

Sir James Dewar and Sir Frederick Abel co-invent Cordite - a type of smokeless gunpowder.

1891 Jesse W. Reno invents the escalator.

1892 Rudolf Diesel invents the diesel-fueled internal combustion engine.

Sir James Dewar invents the Dewar flask or vacuum flask.

1893 American, W.L. Judson invents the zipper.

Edward Goodrich Acheson invents carborundum.

1895 Lumiere Brothers invent a portable motion-picture camera, film processing unit and projector called the Cinematographe.

Lumiere Brothers using their Cinematographe are the first to present a projected motion picture to an audience of more that one person.

1896 American, H. O'Sullivan invents the rubber heel.

1898 Edwin Prescott patents the roller coaster.

Rudolf Diesel receives patent #608,845 for an "internal combustion engine" the Diesel engine.

1899 I.R. Johnson patents the bicycle frame.

J.S. Thurman patents the motor-driven vacuum cleaner.


I900 The zeppelin invented by Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin.

Charles Seeberger redesigned Jesse Reno's escalator and invented the modern escalator.

1901 King Camp Gillette invents the double-edged safety razor.

The first radio receiver, successfully received a radio transmission.

Hubert Booth invents a compact and modern vacuum cleaner.

1902 Willis Carrier invents the air conditioner.

French physicist George Claude invents neon light.

The lie detector or polygraph machine is invented by James Mackenzie.

The birth of the Teddy Bear.

George Claude invented neon light.

1903 Edward Binney and Harold Smith co-invent crayons.

Bottle-making machinery invented by Michael J. Owens.

The Wright brothers invent the first gas motored and manned airplane.

Mary Anderson invents windshield wipers.

William Coolidge invents ductile tungsten used in lightbulbs.

1904 Teabags invented by Thomas Suillivan.

Benjamin Holt invents a tractor.

John A Fleming invents a vacuum diode or Fleming valve.

1905 Albert Einstein published the Theory of Relativity and made famous the equation, E = mc2.

Mary Anderson receives a patent for windshield wipers.

1906 William Kellogg invents Cornflakes.

Lewis Nixon invents the first sonar like device.

Lee Deforest invents electronic amplifying tube (triode).

1907 Leo Baekeland invents the first synthetic plastic called Bakelite.

Color photography invented by Auguste and Louis Lumiere.

The very first piloted helicopter was invented by Paul Cornu.

1908 The gyrocompass invented by Elmer A. Sperry.

Cellophane invented by Jacques E. Brandenberger.

Model T first sold.

J W Geiger and W Müller invent the geiger counter.

Fritz Haber invents the Haber Process for making artificial nitrates.

1909 Instant coffee invented by G. Washington.

1910 Thomas Edison demonstrated the first talking motion picture.

Georges Claude displayed the first neon lamp to the public on December 11, 1910, in Paris.

1911 Charles Franklin Kettering invents the first automobile electrical ignition system.

1912 Motorized movie cameras invented, replaced hand-cranked cameras.

The first tank patented by Australian inventor De La Mole.

Clarence Crane created Life Savers candy in 1912.

1913 The crossword puzzle invented by Arthur Wynne.

The Merck Chemical Company patented, what is now know as, ecstasy.

Mary Phelps Jacob invents the bra.

Gideon Sundback invented the modern zipper.

1914 Garrett A. Morgan invents the Morgan gas mask.

1915 Eugene Sullivan and William Taylor co-invented Pyrex in New York City.

1916 Radios tuners invented, that received different stations.

Stainless steel invented by Henry Brearly.

1917 Gideon Sundback patented the modern zipper (not the first zipper).

1918 The superheterodyne radio circuit invented by Edwin Howard Armstrong. Today, every radio or television set uses this invention.

Charles Jung invented fortune cookies.

1919 The pop-up toaster invented by Charles Strite.

Short-wave radio invented.

The flip-flop circuit invented.

The arc welder invented.

1920 The tommy gun patented by John T Thompson.

The Band-Aid (pronounced 'ban-'dade) invented by Earle Dickson.

1921 Artificial life begins -- the first robot built.

John Larson invented the lie detector.

1922 Insulin invented by Sir Frederick Grant Banting.

The first 3-D movie (spectacles with one red and one green lens) is released.

1923 Garrett A. Morgan invents a traffic signal.

The television or iconoscope (cathode-ray tube) invented by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin.

John Harwood invented the self-windingwatch in 1923.

Clarence Birdseye invents frozen food.

1924 The dynamic loudspeaker invented by Rice and Kellogg.

Notebooks with spiral bindings invented.

1925 The mechanical television a precursor to the modern television, invented by John Logie Baird.

1926 Robert H. Goddard invents liquid-fueled rockets.

1927 Eduard Haas III invents PEZ candy.

JWA Morrison invents the first quartz crystal watch.

Philo Taylor Farnsworth invents a complete electronic TV system.

Technicolor invented.

Erik Rotheim patents an aerosol can.

Warren Marrison developed the first quartz clock.

Philip Drinker invents the iron lung.

1928 Scottish biologist Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin.

Bubble gum invented by Walter E. Diemer.

Jacob Schick patented the electric shaver.

1929 American, Paul Galvin invents the car radio.

Yo-Yo re-invented as an American fad.

1930 Scotch tape patented by 3M engineer, Richard G. Drew.

The frozen food process patented by Clarence Birdseye.

Wallace Carothers and DuPont Labs invents neoprene.

The "differential analyzer", or analog computer invented by Vannevar Bush at MIT in Boston.

Frank Whittle and Dr Hans von Ohain both invent a jet engine.

1931 Harold Edgerton invented stop-action photography.

Germans Max Knott and Ernst Ruska co-invent the electron microscope.

1932 Polaroid photography invented by Edwin Herbert Land.

The zoom lens and the light meter invented.

Carl C. Magee invents the first parking meter.

Karl Jansky invents the radio telescope.

1933 Frequency modulation (FM radio) invented by Edwin Howard Armstrong.

Stereo records invented.

Richard M. Hollingshead builds a prototype drive-in movie theater in his driveway.

1934 Englishmen, Percy Shaw invents cat eyes or roads reflectors.

Charles Darrow claims he invented the game Monopoly.

Joseph Begun invents the first tape recorder for broadcasting - first magnetic recording.

1935 Wallace Carothers and DuPont Labs invents nylon ( polymer 6.6.)

The first canned beer made.

Robert Watson-Watt patented radar.

1936 Bell Labs invents the voice recognition machine.

Samuel Colt patents the Colt revolver.

1937 Chester F. Carlson invents the photocopier.

The first jet engine is built.

1938 The ballpoint pen invented by Ladislo Biro.

Strobe lighting invented.

Roy J. Plunkett invented tetrafluoroethylene polymers or Teflon.

Nescafe or freeze-dried coffee invented.

The first working turboprop engine.

1939 Igor Sikorsky invents the first successful helicopter.

The electron microscope invented.

1940 Dr William Reich invents the orgone accumulator.

Peter Goldmark invents modern color television system.

Karl Pabst invents the jeep.

1941 Konrad Zuse's Z3, the first computer controlled by software.

Aerosol spray cans invented by American inventors, Lyle David Goodloe and W.N. Sullivan.

Enrico Fermi invents the neutronic reactor.

1942 John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry built the first electronic digital computer.

Max Mueller designs a turboprop engine.

1943 Synthetic rubber invented.

Richard James invents the slinky.

James Wright invent silly putty.

Swiss chemist, Albert Hofmann discovered the hallucinogenic properties of LSD.

Emile Gagnan and Jacques Cousteau invent the aqualung.

1944 The kidney dialysis machine invented by Willem Kolff.

Synthetic cortisone invented by Percy Lavon Julian.

1945 Vannevar Bush proposes hypertext.

The atomic bomb invented.

1946 The microwave oven invented by Percy Spencer.

1947 British/Hungarian scientist, Dennis Gabor, developed the theory of holography.

Mobile phones first invented. Although cell phones were not sold commercially until 1983, AT&T came up with the idea way back.

Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley invent the transistor.

Earl Silas Tupper patented the Tupperware seal.

1948 The Frisbee® invented by Walter Frederick Morrison and Warren Franscioni.

Velcro ® invented by George de Mestral.

Robert Hope-Jones invented the Wurlitzer jukebox.

1949 Cake mix invented.

1950 The first credit card (Diners) invented by Ralph Schneider.

Super glue invented.

Power steering invented by Francis W. Davis.

Charles Ginsburg invented the first videotape recorder (VTR).

1952 Mr. Potato Head patented.

The first patent for bar code (US Patent #2,612,994) issued to inventors Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver.

The first diet soft drink sold.

Edward Teller and team build the hydrogen bomb.

1953 Radial tires invented.

The first musical synthesizer invented by RCA.

David Warren invented the black box - flight recorder.

Transistor radio invented by Texas Instruments.

1954 Oral contraceptives invented.

The first nonstick pan produced.

The solar cell invented by Chaplin, Fuller and Pearson.

Ray Kroc started McDonalds.

1955 Tetracycline invented.

Optic fiber invented.

1956 The first computer hard disk used.

The hovercraft invented by Christopher Cockerell.

Bette Nesmith Graham invented "Mistake Out," later renamed Liquid Paper, to paint over mistakes made with a typewriter.

1957 Fortran (computer language) invented.

1958 The modem invented.

Gordon Gould invents the laser.

The Hula Hoop invented by Richard Knerr and Arthur "Spud" Melin.

The integrated circuit invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce.

1959 The internal pacemaker invented by Wilson Greatbatch.

Barbie Doll invented.

Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce both invent the microchip.

1960 The halogen lamp invented.

1961 Valium invented.

The nondairy creamer invented.

1962 The audio cassette invented.

The fiber-tip pen invented by Yukio Horie.

Spacewar, the first computer video game invented.

Dow Corp invents silicone breast implants.

1963 The first videodisc invented.

1964 Acrylic paint invented.

Permanent-press fabric invented.

BASIC (an early computer language) is invented by John George Kemeny and Tom Kurtz.

1965 Astroturf invented.

Soft contact lenses invented.

NutraSweet invented.

The compact disk invented by James Russell.

Kevlar invented by Stephanie Louise Kwolek.

1966 Electronic Fuel injection for cars invented.

1967 The first handheld calculator invented.

1968 The computer mouse invented by Douglas Engelbart.

The first computer with integrated circuits made.

Robert Dennard invented RAM (random access memory).

1969 The arpanet (first internet) invented.

The artificial heart invented.

The ATM invented.

The bar-code scanner is invented.

1970 The daisy-wheel printer invented.

The floppy disk invented by Alan Shugart.

1971 The dot-matrix printer invented.

The food processor invented.

The liquid-crystal display (LCD) invented by James Fergason.

The microprocessor invented by Faggin, Hoff and Mazor.

VCR or videocassette recorder invented.

1972 The word processor invented.

Pong (first video game) invented by Nolan Bushnell.

Hacky Sack® invented by John Stalberger and Mike Marshall.

1973 Gene splicing invented.

The ethernet (local computer network) invented by Robert Metcalfe and Xerox.

Bic invents the disposable lighter.

1974 The post-it note invented by Arthur Fry.

Giorgio Fischer, a gynecologist from Rome, Italy, invents liposuction.

1975 The laser printer invented.

The push-through tab on a drink can invented.

1976 The ink-jet printer invented.

1977 Magnetic resonance imaging invented by Raymond V. Damadian.

1978 Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston invented the VisiCalc spreadsheet.

The artificial heart Jarvik-7 invented by Robert K. Jarvik.

1979 Cellular phones invented.

Cray supercomputer invented by Seymour Cray.

Walkman invented.

Scott Olson invents roller blades.

1980 The hepatitis-B vaccine invented.

1981 MS-DOS invented.

The first IBM-PC invented.

The scanning tunneling microscope invented by Gerd Karl Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer.

1982 Human growth hormone genetically engineered.

1983 The Apple Lisa invented.

Soft bifocal contact lens invented.

First Cabbage Patch Kids sold.

Programmer Jaron Lanier first coins the term "virtual reality".

1984 The CD-ROM invented.

The Apple Macintosh invented.

1985 Windows program invented by Microsoft.

1986 A high-temperature super-conductor invented by J. Georg Bednorz and Karl A. Muller.

Synthetic skin invented by G. Gregory Gallico, III.

Fuji introduced the disposable camera.

1987 The first 3-D video game invented.

Disposable contact lenses invented.

1988 Digital cellular phones invented.

The RU-486 (abortion pill) invented.

Doppler radar invented by Christian Andreas Doppler.

Prozac® invented at the Eli Lilly Company by inventor Ray Fuller.

The first patent for a genetically engineered animal is issued to Harvard University researchers Philip Leder and Timothy Stewart.

Ralph Alessio and Fredrik Olsen received a patent for the Indiglo ® nightlight. The bluish green light is used to illuminate the entire face of a watch.

1989 High-definition television invented.

1990 The World Wide Web/Internet protocol (HTTP) and WWW language (HTML) created by Tim Berners-Lee.

1991 The digital answering machine invented.

1992 The smart pill invented.

1993 The pentium processor invented.

1994 HIV protease inhibitor invented.

1995 The Java computer language invented.

DVD (Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc) invented.

1996 Web TV invented.

1997 The gas-powered fuel cell invented.

1998 Viagra® invented.

1999 Scientists measure the fastest wind speed ever recorded on earth, 509 km/h(318 mph).

Tekno Bubbles patented.

21th century

Optical Camouflage System invented by Susumu Tachi, Masahiko Inami, and Naoki Kawakami

Toyota's Hybrid Car

Ice Bike invented by Dan Hanebrink

New Toy Robots Max the robotic cat invented by Omron, LUCKY, THE ROVING ROBO-RAPTOR invented by Walt Disney Imagineering, and Sony builds Aibo a companion called Orio.

New Fabrics, Salmon Skin Leather invented by Claudia Escobar and Skini, and Luminex a glowing fabric invented by Luminex.

Java Log a log for your fireplace made from used coffee grinds and invented by Rod Sprules

Infrared Fever Screening System used in public buildings to scan for people with a high temperature from a fever or sars invented by Singapore Technologies Electronics and the Singapore Defense Science and Technology Agency

The No-Contact Jacket invented by Adam Whiton and Yolita Nugent, protects the wearer by electric shocking any attackers.

Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2003

Popular Science Best of What's New 2003

Modern Inventions of 2004

Adidas 1 the thinking shoes with a built in microprocessor that decides how soft or firm support the wearer needs. Chosen by Popular Science magazine as the best recreation invention of 2004.

Translucent Concrete developed by Hungarian architect Aron Losonczi and called LitraCon and is based on a matrix of parallel optical glass fibers embedded into the concrete that can transmit light and color from the outside. However, this is not the only translucent concrete out there. Inventor Bill Price has been developing another variety.

Ka-on or Flower Sound are plants that play music invented by the Japanese based Let's Corporation. Flowers bouquets will act as loudspeakers when placed in a special vase that has electronics hidden in the base.

Intel Express Chipsets - Grantsdale and Alderwood are the code names of Intel's newest chips that will provide superior and inexpensive built-in sound and video capacities for the PC including the ability to do high definition video editing without additional computer cards.

SonoPrep invented by bioengineer Robert Langer, is a device that will deliver medication by sound waves rather than injection. According to the Sontra Medical Corporation, SonoPrep's manufacturer: The small, battery-powered device applies low-frequency ultrasonic energy to the skin for 15 seconds. The ultrasound temporarily rearranges lipids in the skin, opening channels that let fluids be delivered or extracted. After about 24 hours, the skin returns to normal.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.