2011-01-26 09:32:19 UTC
"41 Octaves above Sound - notes have color
We hear about ten octaves of sound and see about one octave of light with our eyes.
Because going up an octave is doubling, each octave has a bandwidth (range of frequencies) that is as large as the sum of all bandwidths of the preceding octaves (similar to each time a population doubles). This means that visible light, 41 octaves up from from the middle of our hearing range, is an octave with a bandwidth many times greater than that of all 10 octaves of the hearing range. So the human eye has a very wide range even though it sees in only one octave."
Can you explain that to me in a way I can understand lol
I think what it is saying is that frequencies (or vibrations?) are fractals and that even though our eyes see only one octave, it is an octave of higher frequency so it contains all of the 10 octaves our ears are capable of sensing?
*What do you think it would be like to see in two octaves?* Do you think our visible spectrum would include things like UV light or something?