Why would they, a cesium standard based atomic clock is based on the transition of the cesium-133 atom for synchronization not telling time.
Atomic clocks are installed at each site of time signal, LORAN-C,and Alpha Navigation transmitters. They are also installed at some long-wave and medium-wave broadcasting/telecommunications stations/companies to deliver a very precise carrier frequency, which also has its usage as standard frequency.
Further, atomic clocks are used for long-baseline interferometry in radioastronomy.
Atomic clocks are the basis of the GPS navigation system. The GPS master clocks are Atomic clocks at the ground stations, and each of the GPS satellites has an on-board atomic clock.
Atomic clocks are not sold to the public consumer, they do not display the time, they are usally rack mounted in a 19" rack!!!
What you think is 'your atomic clock' is a A radio clock, a radio clock is a clock that is synchronized by a time code bit stream transmitted by a radio transmitter connected to a time standard such as an atomic clock.