what is the meaning of Life?
2005-12-10 06:06:25 UTC
what is the meaning of Life?
Six answers:
2005-12-10 12:42:35 UTC
Somewhere far out within our galaxy, there is the remains of a massive star, so large it quickly burned up all its hydrogen and helium then collapsed and exploded in a supernova, which is the only way that many of the heavier elements needed by our bodies can be created. And now it rests as a much smaller neutron star, comprised of densely packed neutrons that would weigh tons by the tablespoon full.

Our bodies contain the elements from past supernovas and we are built using a blueprint contained within our DNA. Each human cell contains DNA that could be connected and gently stretched out to about one yard length. All of one's billions of DNA connected together could reach nearly to the planet Pluto and would require light to travel for almost 5 hours to span the length.

Which do you think is more miraculous, a neutron star or a human body? That is only part of the profound meaning of life.
2005-12-10 09:22:57 UTC
Can you think of people whose (in your opinion) lives have had meaning? What made them meaningful? Perhaps then:

To live in a way so that in the moment that you die, you can look back at your life and recognize the meaning.
2005-12-10 06:20:38 UTC
Life is the "quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body" or "the period from birth to death."
2005-12-10 06:09:29 UTC
Know Thyself
2005-12-10 09:06:35 UTC
Get as much sex as possbile...try to be a pimp and take advantage of people whenever you can. Always look for someone elses weakness and try to exploit that whenever possibile.

When your with other people ask yourself "how can i use these people?" and above all...ACCUMULATE AS MUCH STUFF AS POSSIBLE... what ever you can get get it...
2005-12-10 06:11:49 UTC
listening to music and trying to get in a rockband. Which im already doing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.