This guy seems to be a little crazy to me. You aren't turning invisible it's probably some kind of meditation or something.
Here's a sign he's scamming people - "unusual man selling unusual,will not refund,typical scheme for money,good commun"
Selling an outlandish and theory, prob made lots of money with this scam gr8one_13 ( 84) Sep-09-07 19:56
Reply by billwwilliams (Sep-10-07 00:11):
Wanted 'cloak of invisibility' & witchcraft: This is NOT Harry Potter! ASK FIRST
Rating mutually withdrawn
Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item.
He pretty much tells him right there it's not gonna make him invisible.
It sounds like a load of crap.
This is from the preview of the book-
The human mind can project itself into reality.
Ultimately, we'll exploit this ability of the mind to become invisible. With a small amount of training, your mind can accomplish the task of granting an invisible state of being. You were born with this ability of mind. Unfortunately, most people don’t activate their dormant potentials and remain unaware of what their mind is capable of; pure magic!
The key word is mind, it's all in their head. Astral projection and remote viewing repackaged. Fuzzy, new age hippie flim-flam. Don't waste your money.