Yes Joshua. EVERYTHING on that page is crap. And yes, I have read every one of these arguments on this page, and dozens more like it. This particular text has been copied word-for-word in many different forums ... and as always it is difficult to know who the original author is, because Creationists frequently copy-paste each other without giving any hint that they are doing so, much less crediting the original author.
Other pages on which this article appears, (word-for-word):
To see that the author of this article is glaringly dishonest, go down to "Reason Number 9: Evolutionists are not Evolution's Friend." You don't even need to know anything about the science ... just how to Google, and how to read.
Because if someone is an 'evolutionist' and is "quoted" to give support to the claim that evolution is wrong ... then there's a really good chance that the 'evolutionist' is being MISQUOTED. And you can check this! Take one of these quotes from famous 'evolutionists', look it up, and see if the author of the article is representing the quoted person truthfully, or is dishonestly *misrepresenting* what was said.
Let me give you a general example, and a specific example:
First, note that many of these are not quotes about evolution at all, but about the ORIGIN OF LIFE. Evolution is about how life *changes*, not how life *started*. All biologists will tell you that, while we do understand evolution very very well, we do NOT yet know how life started.
So quoting 'evolutionists' as they are saying that questions about the origin of life are 'speculative', is incredibly DISHONEST when interspersed with quotes about evolution ... as if the two are the same thing!
It would be like quoting physicists who admit that we don't know how gravity *started*, as some sort of admission that they are not sure that gravity exists at all!!!
Really think about that for a second, and you can start to get a glimpse of the blatant DISHONESTY of the author of this article.
But I can give you a specific example of a MISQUOTE.
Take the Francis Crick quote: "An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going."
But the quote cuts Crick off in mid-sentence, and does include the rest of the paragraph:
". . . so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going. But this should not be taken to imply that there are good reasons to believe that it could not have started on the earth by a perfectly reasonable sequence of fairly ordinary chemical reactions. The plain fact is that the time available was too long, the many microenvironments on the earth's surface too diverse, the various chemical possibilities too numerous and our own knowledge and imagination too feeble to allow us to be able to unravel exactly how it might or might not have happened such a long time ago, especially as we have no experimental evidence from that era to check our ideas against."